German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/238,
pp. 31015-31016.
Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear
viewers at the screens.
Frau Chancellor Rabbit – I cannot designate you otherwise – , the story, which you today have here delivered to us, tops all that up to now you have told in other fairy tales.
Nothing understood in 20 long years, 20 long years in which
you have forgotten all that experts have observed and opined of Afghanistan.
After 20 years, you then arrive at positing questions which for 20 years many
experts in this country were able to answer for you and were able to bring you
to the correct conclusions.
It began with the Americans’ decision to enthrone the Gucci
Pashtun Karzai…with falsified elections which were carried out with falsified
ballots, with an enthroned parliament which no Afghan understood; and with a
constitution which no one at all could understand, it continued.
After that came the catastrophe which occasioned the words of
my friend Peter Scholl-Latour when he then visited me at the ARD studio in
Kabul – I believe it was 2006 – : Dear Paul, what we have staged here in the Hindukush
will end in tragedy. Thus Peter Scholl-Latour, already in 2006, Frau Chancellor,
a man to whom many Germans had listened. In this house, he was often smiled at
and derided.
So as to similarly clear up another fairy tale: Not only the
governing coalition but also you of the FDP and the Greens have always happily
added your votes, although there were long since stories which depicted the
truth of Afghanistan and the situation of the coalition troops. All of you
added your votes.
This morning in the breakfast television we have heard from
the chairmen of the Bundeswehr associations that we only still have an observer’s
role and are no more an active player. Herr Foreign Minister, who in this
Federal Republic of Germany is no more an active player, and by reason of the
many failures he has made cannot negotiate eye to eye with other nations, can
from Afghanistan draw only one consequence and immediately submit his resignation.
In this house, all other is unacceptable…
You now arrive with deceptive packaging in your motion, Frau
Chancellor, in which you have us believe we want to let enter only sought-after
circles of persons. No, you say quite concretely: We want designated persons,
including especially Afghan civilians requiring protection. – The Foreign Minister
has today stated: It should be with all who once in any form had to do with
Germany or with Germans. – This opens the sluices, ladies and gentlemen. On that
account, we will not vote in favor of your motion, but abstain. Some hold back
differently. – Respect for your conduct.
Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Like the Linke party! The horseshoe theory lives! An additional proof!
This is the point why we reject your motion: You want to
open the sluices. You indeed grandly say: 2015 should not be repeated. – Yet you
create the pre-requisites so that it does repeat. You quite knowingly want to bring
a great number of people to Germany. That, ladies and gentlemen, my AfD
delegation rejects. Not again 2015! Recovery for those who are there in secure
countries of origin, but no sluicing program to Germany.
Bring the people to security, that is important!
Thank you, Frau President.
[trans: tem]