Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Udo Hemmelgarn, August 5, 2021, Housing in Germany

AfD Kompakt, August 5, 2021

The New German Housing Emergency is a devastating legacy of the Merkel era. The submitted data show very clearly that our country already for long has exceeded its reception capability. Besides a catastrophic security situation in the big cities, the situation in the housing market is also a consequence of the unchecked poverty immigration into our country.

The much praised “Open Society” ever more proves to be a fatal aberration at the cost of the population living here.

Berlin is thereby exemplary of the discrepancy between ideological pretense and its own incompetence. In Berlin in past years, much too little was built, investors were scared away by the unconstitutional rent cap and infrastructural connection to the hinterland was further neglected. Heedless of the scarce housing supply, the Berlin Senate nevertheless pretentiously participated in the “We Have Room” campaign.

The AfD delegation demands at all levels a realistic building policy for the welfare of the German people. Investments in new construction must be promoted. The new construction may not be allowed to be immoderately increased in price by dim-witted “climate guidelines”. And: The Federal government and the States must finally make an infrastructure policy which is concerned for an improved connection of the high-density areas to the hinterland.


[trans: tem]