Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Jörg Meuthen, August 3, 2021, Vaccination of Children

AfD Kompakt, August 3, 2021.

Children should be vaccinated against the Corona virus with only one, single object: So as to protect them from a health risk which for them is associated with a Covid-19 illness. The risk for healthy children to become seriously ill or indeed to die of Covid-19 is in fact vanishingly small. A present study, conducted in England from March 2020 to February 2021, yielded first of all that among those under 18 years the risk of a fatal development of Covid-19 is one in a million.

Opposed to that, the risk of becoming ill with a heart muscle inflammation as a result of vaccination with an mRNA vaccine is presently declared by the German Heart Institute to be one in 100,000. Still more important: Studies of possible long-term consequences of a Corona vaccination, namely for children, are so far still incomplete.

Against this background, the AfD categorically rejects the recommendation, or certainly yesterday’s decision of the health ministers’ conference, for an initial obligation for the vaccination of children above 12 years who do not belong to those groups at risk for Covid-19, those with weakened immune systems or special pre-existing illnesses.

This also especially pertains to all preventive measures which in fact require parents to nevertheless vaccinate their healthy children. It is unethical to put in play the health of children and youth so that at-risk groups of adults do not become ill with Corona. Who nevertheless demands this has to this day not understood the term Kindeswohl [child welfare] which plays a central role in our legal order.


[trans: tem]