Friday, August 20, 2021

Markus Wagner, August 10, 2021, Pandemic

Nordrhein-Westfalen Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 17/138, pp. 20-22.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. Colleagues.

            “Let the pandemic run. Treat it like a flu.”

This sentence, ladies and gentlemen, is not some demonstration motto of German Querdenker; no, it is Bild’s approving headline on Denmark’s Corona policy.

After England’s Freedom Day and Sweden’s anti-lockdown, we now learn that almost all of Denmark’s Corona preventive measures have been abolished. Even masks in the streets are scarcely to be seen.

The Welt writes:

The Danes very early submitted an opening plan. Since June, people need wear no masks; from September, the clubs shall be open and the schools again operate normally.

It is Sören Riis Paludan, professor of virology at the University of Aarhus, who spoke precisely this sentence in the left-liberal newspaper The Politician: “Let the pandemic run, treat it like a flu.”

For the German discourse, that clearly sounds provocative. Yet what he means is not to equate the flu with Corona, but to manage it with the art and ways of viral illnesses.

Further: More than 90% of the endangered population, said to be groups at risk, have been vaccinated. It is therefore no catastrophe if school children are infected. We should no longer, Herr Kutschaty, send home entire classes because one, single student tested positive. That is not proportionate.

For once, the German numbers: The German Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases since March 2020 includes in a register children and youths who have been treated for reasons of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Up to March 2, 2021, that was approximately 1,400 children and youth. 71 young patients need be treated in intensive-care stations. Eight have died, of whom three on account of other illnesses were already found to be in a palliative situation. For a total of four children was Covid-19 identified as a cause of death. Four children are much too many – here we all clearly agree – ; nevertheless, four children out of 14 million children in Germany, that is 0.00002%. For whom cannot correctly conceive of 0.00002%, 0.00002% of 100,000 euros is two cents, ladies and gentlemen.

Those facts on the state of the Danish discussion of Corona, which we here in this country to some extent at times read of prominently in Bild and Welt, yet which otherwise fall under the table as “accidental”, are the scientific basis for the decision of – now get a good grip, dear colleagues – the social democratic government of Denmark.

Dear colleagues of the SPD, what then now actually are your Danish party friends for you? Are they Nazis, are they Covidiots, or are they all aluminum hats? Social democratic Denmark now follows social democratic Sweden. And the only party in Germany which thinks along this line is not those of you in the SPD; it is certainly not Herren Laschet and Söder; it is also not the FDP which has diligently voted for every lockdown; it is the AfD.

The world is plainly still a bit more complex than your “black-white panic mode.”

Yet then we are not quite so alone. “This Corona policy is wrong” headlines Germany’s largest newspaper.

And further:

“The Federal government’s Corona policy has nothing more to do with reality! For a year and a half, the government tells us its preventive measures are working and openings are dangerous. Both are false. The government asserts that Sweden’s Corona course has failed.

The fact is: For a year, the Swedish mortality curve runs parallel to the German, with the distinct difference that Germany was in lockdown for six months, yet Sweden not a single day.

Yet nearly everything with which the government frightens us was in reality completely disproved; that they simply continue to do so harms Germany.”

Ladies and gentlemen, it does not get more clear.

With the exception of particular persons like Wolfgang Kubicki who however does not have the FDP behind him, or Sahra Wagenknecht who the Linke forthwith wish to exclude, Hubert Aiwanger who the Frei Wähler want to remove, or Boris Palmer who has an expulsion proceeding of the Greens running against him, these are insights which unfortunately will plainly be admitted by only one party, by us of the AfD.

Herr Laschet, the morning’s press will be submitted to you. I really ask myself: Don’t you actually read it? Does it not impress you? Or have you simply not the guts to commit yourself to measure, mean and reason? You now come here with a five-point plan which wants to prolong the epidemic situation.

“The prolongation of the epidemic situation is however no question of free, political judgment, but is tied to the criteria of the Infection Protection Act.”

Public law professor Josef Lindner says this, and he is therewith naturally right.

And Professor Kingreen quite clearly says:

The prolongation on a chance suspicion with regards the Bundestag election and the following time is an inappropriate consideration which may play no role. That would be highly actionable. Restrictions of basic rights cannot be made dependent upon the policy’s ability to act.

Ladies and gentlemen, for over 16 months it is thus. In the beginning, we had given you an advance of trust. It was understandable that it was not immediately known how to deal with Corona. But then you first put forward an unconstitutional Corona law, with whoa and gee [hü und hott] assented to masks with which those of the CDU have made a mint, and then you slither like an electric eel through the country, first on account of an inter-party election fight – due to the intra-CDU elections – and then in your impotence vis-à-vis Söder, Merkel and Spahn.

You toss the dice – this you must concede – with utterly unscientific incidence numbers, and establish in the morning verbose, nonsensical national lockdowns which you then in the afternoon again take back. That was really a memorable day here in the parliament, ladies and gentlemen.

It is however actually inexcusable: Instead of protecting the at-risk groups, as we had again and again demanded, which in 16 months made up 80,000 of the 90,000 deaths, you send all into one lockdown after the next. Yet now instead of finally getting out of this total madness, you remain, Herr Laschet, only in nuances better than Söder and Spahn on the playing field of demonstrably false premises and guidelines which want to exclude from the buying of bread those non-vaccinated people who yet have tested negative.

Ladies and gentlemen, since the Federal government replied in writing to inquiries that they do not know which preventive measures had helped or not, I want in concluding to again peek at Denmark. Lately, – so writes the Welt – the vaccination campaign is not the decisive difference between the two countries. Denmark is here not decisively far ahead of the Federal Republic. It is the fundamental political decision of how at an agreed point to prioritize the vaccination campaign. When is the point reached at which the opening is foremost, and no longer the restriction?

CDU, SPD, Greens and FDP do not muster this political will. They have stubbornly attached themselves to a completely characteristic lockdown logic. With them, logic is in long-term lockdown.

Instead of ever further inciting the people one against the other, children against the old, non-vaccinated against vaccinated, Corona winners against Corona losers, it would be better to finally put more money into the research of medicines with which to have serious developments treated.

There nevertheless also always belongs to life a known measure of risk. We need again to learn not to look at risk exclusively in a panic. And we need finally to undertake an overall view: How harmful are the side-effects of the Corona preventive measures in regards other illnesses – for education, for the economy? The hitherto one-sidedness of viewpoint is a regression for our way of living.

But our way of living is no longer negotiable. Our basic rights are no longer negotiable. And, Herr Laschet, our freedom is no longer negotiable.

I thank you.


[trans: tem]