Thursday, August 26, 2021

René Springer, August 25, 2021, Immigration and Labor

AfD Kompakt, August 25, 2021. 

The chairman of the Federal Agency for Labor [BA] makes himself the mouthpiece of businesses which want to continue to repress wages with the help of immigration. Instead of learning from the injury, past failures are ever again repeated. There are presently in Germany almost 3.4 million without a job and over a million employees are in part-time work. More than one of every three Hartz-IV recipients is a foreigner.

In addition to that, according to BA chief Scheele, an extra 400,000 immigrants per year should now arrive. An incomprehensible demand, considering the evidently failed economic and social integration of the immigrants and the increasing tensions in our society. Not continued mass immigration, but a conscious stop and shutting down of previous failures is the solution to the problem.

Primarily in all lines, the domestic workforce potential needs to be dealt with completely. Should there be too little qualified workforce, then the workforce already existing in the country needs to become correspondingly qualified. Businesses should in addition invest much more strongly in digitalization and new technologies so as not to lose touch internationally.


[trans: tem]