Monday, August 16, 2021

Armin-Paulus Hampel, August 11, 2021, Afghanistan

AfD Kompakt, August 11, 2021.

Comes what must come. To recognize that, no secret service reports need be studied. The Taliban conquer one city after another and they will sooner or later capture Kabul. If Herr Röttgen (CDU) really thinks that this may still be prevented militarily, then he is living in another world and with his remarks he has placed himself on the off-sides of foreign policy. It will be the task of the great neighbors Russia, China and India to work out a solution of the conflict in Afghanistan, yet certainly not of the the West or indeed of Germany.

More important than observing the sad developments there is to direct a look at the foreseeable consequences for Germany and Europe and to act prudently. There will be new streams of refugees, and experts thereby figure that the number of Afghan migrants in Turkey could grow to a million by the end of the year. Of these, the majority might attempt to come to Europe and to Germany. It is thus right that the six EU countries Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Greece, in a letter to the EU, urge further deportations to Afghanistan. The AfD delegation in the German Bundestag also demands of the Federal government to remain hard against domestic resistance and to clearly reject the criticism of Luxembourg Foreign Minister Asselborn of this conduct. Continued deportations of those Afghans who do not belong here are the correct signal so as to prevent a new 2015.

Yet in parallel we expect of our Foreign Ministry that the previous contacts with the Taliban in Qatar now in fact prove to be reliable and that guarantees for the migrants deported from Germany will be demanded. They should be able to return to their homeland, unharmed and secure from persecution. German diplomacy has corresponding incentives for the future powers in Kabul; namely, the continued and future financial support of Afghanistan promised by the Federal government.


[trans: tem]