Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Sebastian Wippel, July 30, 2021, German-Polish-Czech Technical University

AfD Kompakt, July 30, 2021

For very long already, I advocated for a Technische Universität Dreiländereck. For one, it can help manage the structural change of Lausitz. For another, it would raise the cooperation with Poland and Czechia to a new level.

Now that support for this demand subsequently comes even from the CDU, we will very intensively discuss this theme in the Landtag and demand of the State government to have acts follow the words.

The press also has already for a time taken up this theme. The MDR [Central German Broadcasting] editorship, which let Bernd Lange have his say in detail yesterday on the television, could not or wanted not to research and correspondingly mention the origin of the demand. That is regrettable, since thus declines that there could be a majority from the AfD and the CDU in the Saxon Landtag for the Technische Universität Dreiländereck.


[trans: tem]