Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Alice Weidel, November 29, 2021, Inflation

AfD Kompakt, November 29, 2021.

A rising inflation, in combination with manipulated zero and negative interest rates, is the most intense and most unsozial form of indirect forced taxation. Those of low income, normal citizens and the middle class will be hardest hit by increasing consumer prices and will as a rule be driven into states of impoverishment.

The assertions, repeated like a prayer wheel from ECB milieu that the price increases deal only with passing appearances, are an impudent maneuver of concealment to divert from the real responsibilities. Prime mover of the inflation is the central bank’s persistent money glut. The increase by leaps and bounds of producer prices is an additional indication that the inflation spiral is just beginning.

The panicked and repressive Corona policy, and the policy of persistently high taxes as well as the politically willed increase of energy and fuel prices, intensify the crisis and are pure poison for the economy and the middle class. Both mis-developments need be stopped without delay so as to spare our country a severe and lengthy recession with all of its destructive social consequences.


[trans: tem]