Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Ferdinand Mang, November 11, 2021, Semiconductors

Bavarian Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 18/96, pp. 102-103.

Right honorable President. Right honorable colleague ladies and gentlemen.

With this motion, the Freien Wähler demand measures for the supply of semiconductors to the Bavarian economy. These are chips which meanwhile have been built into every vehicle and most electronic household equipment. Tja, and they are thus goods in short supply since, thanks to neo-liberal economic policy, most producers need to obtain these chips from foreign countries. That is the result of the globalization celebrated by the neo-liberal political caste.

Already at the beginning of the Corona crisis, which Söder ignited with his lockdown policy, we named this problem here in plenary session and in the committees and demanded a re-nationalization of the economy.Yet we not only presented demands, but a whole series of motions and indicated solutions. We thus have presented motions on the theme of the Bavarian semiconductor and microprocessor industry.

In our motion [Drucksache 18/18898], we have enumerated our motions with the print numbers so that your advisers need not long look for them, but can copy them just right; since, with this motion, the Freien Wähler have copied a motion from us. Yet do not in the future be ashamed also to copy our motions one by one. Then it can be clear to you that this motion also makes substantial sense; since you write in your motion that – I cite – “the targeted construction of a semiconductor eco-system” is urgently required. You thus demand with this motion the construction of an eco-system for semiconductors. I know, you in the governing coalition have naturally soaked up a lot of Green ideology. That naturally also affects your cognitive eco-system. According to a definition of the ecological sciences, an eco-system consists of an animate community of organisms of many kinds and the inanimate environment which is designated as a living space or habitat or biotope. You will settle semiconductors in a biotope and there be able to achieve a successful breeding of chips.

Here, the Freien Wähler have obviously tanked up on too much eco. No, semiconductors are not little breeding animals which grow in slimy ponds, but are to be manufactured in the highly complex production chains of the semiconductor industry. Our motions have the goal of re-establishing the design and production of these components so urgently required by our economy in our Bavarian economy; not in an eco-system, as you demand in your motion, but for example, by means of targeted promotion programs, special economic zones, or by securing the manufacture of required raw materials. We have explained this in detail in our motions and supported it by means of studies of leading economic institutes.

But today, I do not want to go to court all too harshly with the Freien Wähler. You attempted, ja, to copy our motions. This attempt is a great commendation of the AfD by the Freien Wähler. So even said Confucius: The copy is the greatest praise.

In the Chinese business culture, copying is held to be an expression of respect and admiration for the original. Thus in the future, do not shrink from copying our motions directly. Or better: Just vote for our motions, and spare the paper and the energy and the using up of the environment and many eco-systems. 

Besides, I am of the opinion that all Corona restrictions need to be repealed.

Many thanks for the attention!


[trans: tem]