Friday, November 12, 2021

Alice Weidel, November 11, 2021, Coalition Fiscal Policy

AfD Kompakt, November 11, 2021.

The appetite of the Ampel [traffic light coalition] socialists for the citizens’ money is insatiable. Despite an expected record intake of taxes, the Federal Audit Authority needs to warn of chicanery like an encumbrance of reserves, shadow budgets and the abuse of the KfW [ Credit Institute for Reconstruction] as a credit procurement machine with which the Ampel coalitioners hope to further inflate the debts volume and desire to release the debts brake.

The Ampel  parties’ plan pushes to the extreme the feckless fiscal policy of the Groko [grand coalition]. This is doubly fatal: So as to finance their castles in the air, they issue an uncovered draft on the future and dissipate the output of German economic power as if there was no tomorrow. Similarly, with their irrational “climate defense” policy, they manage the de-industrialization of Germany and thus plainly destroy this economic power and the state’s future income.

Increasing tax receipts are besides no blank check for higher state expenditures. When the state receives more than planned, it must give the excess withholding back to the citizens. So that Germany may find the way back to growth and prosperity, excessive state expenditures must be eliminated and citizen, Mittelstand  and middle-class relieved.


[trans: tem]