Saturday, November 20, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, November 18, 2021, Infection Protection Law

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/3, pp. 121-122.

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Three months ago, I appealed to this sovereign house in the debate on the epidemic situation – cite:

Citizens who do not want to be vaccinated are not “vaccination deniers”. They claim their basic right to themselves decide over their health and thereby over their lives…A vaccination decision must remain the individual decision of each citizen.

Today we negotiate the next change of the multi-layered Infection Protection Law, this time brought in by the prospective new coalition parties. Yet what has actually remained of their election promises to the citizens to do away with the policy of prohibition and for an end to the fully overdone preventive measures? That is a motto of the FDP. Dear FDP, what is left of the election motto? The Ampel parties apparently continue seamlessly the panic policy of the last two years.

Herr Lindner, yesterday you even no longer excluded a vaccination obligation. Here is seen: You are not even yet in the government and already in the first instance are overturned. Respects!

Ladies and gentlemen, every citizen can now well proceed on the basis that you of the old and new Federal government have entirely turned away from the Basic Law and want to whip the de facto vaccination obligation through the parliament.

For two years, those governing in the “heart of democracy”, as you so readily name this house, actively divide our society. You have made for yourselves the enemy image of the non-vaccinated, and these shall be responsible for everything like over-filled hospitals and increasing rates of infection. Yet is it not astonishing that after a year and a vaccination rate of nearly 70 percent, there is no relaxation in the healthcare system? Or does it not rather lie in the political lapses of the old Federal government?

In hospitals closed in the past year, there were more than 4,000 intensive-care beds eliminated, in Saxony nearly 300, and still no one has troubled over personnel recruitment in the care area. Herr Spahn, why have you eliminated 4,000 beds? Answer this question! Precisely all of these are basic parameters with which we have to concern ourselves. We therefore cannot, dear colleagues, transfer responsibility to non-vaccinated citizens and ultimately make scapegoats of these.

Ladies and gentlemen, I know, we are again now speaking of a new, much worse situation in the fourth wave. But finally for once please be honest with the citizens

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Ja, you do that!

and grant that you with your preventive measures and recommendations have mis-calculated. Quasi-religiously, you call upon society to vaccinate. Do you yet realize that the people out there do not want without limit to follow them?

I think all of you here have understood that the hope which you placed in the vaccine was too great. The RKI [Robert Koch Institute] meanwhile reports 175,000 breakdowns in vaccination, and the covert figure is probably still much higher. That means that the offered vaccinations are not so reliable and permanent as initially hoped.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): That is so!

And yes, no one could know that. Only: What perspective do you show the citizens? Booster vaccinations in half-year stages, or once a quarter, or perhaps a vaccination subscription? What, for example, is it with the further development of effective medications?

On one matter we are nevertheless agreed: Any person, independent of a so-called G-status, can be a carrier of the virus. Proceeding from this knowledge, the 2-G or 3-G regulations are to be rejected and, properly speaking, are senseless. They are at the minimum a lockdown on installment and shall ever more pressure the citizens to allow themselves to be vaccinated.

Valued colleagues, who as a politician with such means struggles against his own people immoderately over-steps his own competences and again bends the Basic Law.

Finally stop playing off specific groups one against the other! You thereby ever more strongly shake the confidence in our parliamentary democracy.

            Maja Wallstein (SPD): What do you propose as a preventative?

It lies in our hands as to whether the state’s excess power today meets with an end. The citizens thus have a right to be allowed to act with self-responsibility.

Many thanks.

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Do you seriously want to say that of the people in                        Saxony? That comes from you!

            Konstantin Notz (Greens): Mein Gott!


[trans: tem]