Saturday, November 13, 2021

Bernd Baumann, November 11, 2021, Speaking Time in the Bundestag

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/2, pp. 31-32.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The coalition talks drag on. This disunity is great in regards important themes. The viewpoints are far from one another.

Christian Lindner (FDP): What is meant by “drag on”? Make a historical comparison, good man!

Already in last week’s sitting, I needed to conduct an orders of business debate because you denied to the AfD its legitimate claim to present the elder president in the Bundestag; for on one thing you here can always unite, ladies and gentlemen: To elide the parliamentary rights of the AfD.

Yet worse still: In the past sitting you elected the new Bundestag vice-presidents. According to the orders of business, each delegation has a vice-president, and each received one, only not the AfD.

            Carsten Schneider (SPD-Erfurt): New debate format!

For four years now it is so.

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): On what then are you in fact speaking?

With all these unfair machinations

            Marco Buschmann (FDP): Groundhog Day! [Und täglich grüsst das                                        Murmeltier!]

you do not belittle us, ladies and gentlemen. We prevail in spite of it.

You moreover now allow to occur something even more perfidious. Now it is about the parliamentary core domain: It is about the speaking time.

Carsten Schneider (SPD-Erfurt): You are certainly still speaking! We nevertheless listen to you!

You of the other delegations have  decided to suddenly alter the debate times and thereby the speaking times. We have, ja, in the Bundestag basically two formats for the debates: A shorter one, in which run approximately three-quarters of all statements, and a longer one for special themes. For the briefer debates you have now decided: These in the future shall be 31 minutes long. How so 31? The longer debate format you suddenly set at a comical 67 minutes. Hello? 31 and 67 minutes for debates here in the German Bundestag? Why these utterly arbitrary and contorted prime numbers? How do you arrive at such twisted things? I can tell you where that comes from: These are precisely the numbers of minutes which most injure the AfD and which favor the others. That is the only reason. There is no other, ladies and gentlemen.

            Norbert Kleinwächter (AfD): That is a disgrace!

Since, according to these twisted minutes numbers, following the usual Sainte-Laguë/Schepers method, the AfD has only three minutes speaking time. At the beginning of the last legislature, our delegation had five minutes. Then suddenly it was only four;

            Marco Buschmann (FDP): That has to do with the election!

now, with the twisted numbers tricks, only three minutes, while other delegations here by comparison have optimal speaking times.

Marco Buschmann (FDP): You have lost the election, Herr Baumann. If one has fewer  voters, one also has less speaking time! That is democracy!

With such sneakings, ladies and gentlemen, which you in common in the backrooms contrive, you curtail not only the speaking time of the only conservative opposition here in house, you also devalue the votes of millions of voters whose wishes and interests shall here be systematically belittled and pushed to the side.

Besides, the CDU colleagues today want to complain of the orders of business tricks of the new Ampel [traffic light coalition] majority – hear, hear! – by which the CDU may have been injured in regards the committee assignment.

            Claudia Roth (Greens-Augsburg): Which committee assignment?

Dear colleagues of the CDU, it happens you suddenly bestir yourselves over an injury? For four long years we after all ourselves have been party to the worst injury of an opposition delegation in the history of the German Bundestag.

            Michael Grosse-Bömer (CDU/CSU): Nonsense! A gross offense!

            Claudia Roth (Greens-Augsburg): Hey! Mask on!

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Who then is Hey? Hey, shut up!


[trans: tem]