Monday, November 8, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, November 5, 2021, Coal

AfD Kompakt, November 5, 2021.

The plans to move up the withdrawal from coal by about 8 years to 2030 are entirely irresponsible. In terms of energy and economic policy, they send a fatal signal and once again shake the citizens’ trust in the accountability and reliability of politics in Germany. Even a coal withdrawal in the year 2038 would be for the affected regions, yet also for the supply security in Germany, a catastrophe. Moreover, as a result of the withdrawal from coal-fired electricity generation, there threatens a further increase in German electricity prices. The in any case planned elimination of the EEG assessment by the traffic light coalition is, against this background, nothing more than a drop of water on the hot plate.

Instead of going ever more rapidly ahead on the fatal German Sonderweg, the energy policy’s political responsibilities need finally again be put on a reasonable basis. Not unrealistic climate goals, but the justified interests of our country and its citizens need to thereby stand at the center. Instead of moving up the coal withdrawal, in view of the drastically climbing energy prices, the originally agreed upon periods of time need again apply. At the same time need be immediately created the prerequisites for a continued operation of the German nuclear power plants.


[trans: tem]