Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Stephan Brandner, November 30, 2021, Constitutional Court and Corona

AfD Kompakt, November 30, 2021.

Arbitrarily laid down incidences, which are based on tests prone to failure, will be used not only to restrict nearly all the basic rights but to completely hollow out their substance. Thereby will be readied the way for a political further so: Compulsory preventive measures, isolation of the healthy, closing of entire branches.

The Basic Law is no longer worth the paper upon which it is written. Yet what should one otherwise expect of a Federal Constitutional Court which is closely bound with the government, of which the entire membership meets to dine with the Chancellor and there to listen to proposals from the ministers? A court the president of which is a close party friend of Merkel, who was a high functionary of the Chancellor’s party, and already months ago publicly expressed himself as being in favor of the Corona policy?

Considering these presuppositions, no one ought be surprised that no serious legal examination but the jurisprudence of the bailiff was to be expected.


[trans: tem]