Monday, November 22, 2021

Jörg Urban, November 18, 2021, Corona Policy

AfD Kompakt, November 18, 2021.

Minister-president Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has not learned the least thing from the past, almost two years: In that for a year  he speaks of wavebreaker lockdowns, denigrates those who think differently as conspiracy theorists, and continues to sell the vaccinations as a cure-all, even though the evident efficacy has long since been shown.

A large, Swedish observation study ascertained an extremely brief vaccine effective period. Thus no wonder the high number of immunity breakdowns. Even the state virologist Christian Drosten has acknowledged this.

Despite this, the non-vaccinated, though tested negative – thus, healthy people – will now be excluded from society. With this exclusion, the vaccination pressure becomes a covert vaccination compulsion. Yet is is a compelled vaccination which presently does not protect many.

What therefore is to be done instead? We need to effectively protect the groups at risk. We need to better pay the care-givers. We need to place tests without cost at the disposal of all Saxon citizens, businesses, lodgings, sports clubs, shops and cultural organizations. And we need to urge a healthy way of living for all citizens.


[trans: tem]