European Union Parliament, Brussels, November 10, 2021, P9 CRE-PROV (2021)11-10(1-111-0000).
Frau President. Frau Metsola. Herr Wölken.
I myself was once a journalist and had had a SLAPP
[Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation] against me – from Max Mosley,
he who understands fascists. This proceeding was successfully averted. It would
have cost the publisher approximately two million. That means that I know what
I’m talking about.
I therefore also have much understanding for this
initiative. Though the proposal is certainly well meant, it is however
unfortunately poorly made, since there are too many determinations of content
and references to flexible ideological terms like LGBTI, climate change or hate
We know exactly what will happen: Complaints which defend
excessive rights of minorities, climate hysteria or leftist identity politics
against journalists will be supported. Who criticizes these, will not be. You
are attempting to defend freedom of opinion. That is worthy of all respect. Yet
I fear you will attain the opposite.
[trans: tem]