Sunday, November 8, 2020

Steffen Kotré, October 29, 2020, Bergkarabach

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/186, pp. 23436-23437.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The Armenians’ defensive fight in Bergkarabach is a just war. Azerbaijan is conducting an illegal war of aggression and in that is supported by Turkey, as we today have already laid out.

            Manuel Sarrazin (Greens): Herr Hampel has described that quite otherwise.

They commit war crimes, they employ internationally outlawed cluster bombs, they bomb civilian targets, – with civilian victims as the consequence – cultural sites and churches. The Church of the Redeemer in Shushi was twice attacked, presumably with NATO weapons. My colleague Stefan Keuter received an over-looked piece of metal in the area which made that plain – a NATO weapon, as was said.

            Manuel Sarrazin (Greens): Have you once explained that to Herr Hampel?

Prisoners of war were killed and presumably even beheaded. Turkey sends Islamist mercenaries from Syria and Iraq and thereby supports international terrorism.

Azerbaijani representatives have repeatedly spoken of driving out the Armenians and even threatened their annihilation. I am convinced that the national Islamist Erdogan dreams of an all Ottoman empire on a greater scale in which the Armenians plainly have no place. The Turks, as the people who perpetrated the Armenian genocide of 1915-1916, still have not related themselves to that, and have still not worked that out, and the Armenians have not forgotten that.  The Armenians are fully in their rights to defend their home. It is not to be expected of them to be under Ottoman rule or under other foreign rule. The U.S. foreign ministry lists considerable human rights violations in Azerbaijan: Arbitrary proceedings against journalists, arbitrary arrests, torture, murder in police custody, systemic government corruption, and many more other matters.

On the other hand, there have been free elections in Bergkarabach. There rules an admittedly young…democracy. We could see that for ourselves on earlier trips. We have discovered Armenian culture in the greater part of Bergkarabach and the Armenians have been settled in most of the territory for centuries. The few mosques, cared for by the Armenians, are of Persian origin. Josef Stalin in 1921, against the then current law, arbitrarily and illegally incorporated Bergkarabach into Azerbaijan.

Should that nowadays be recognized as legal [rechtsstaatlich]? Bergkarabach has a state territory, a state people and a state authority. It is correspondingly a popular vote that was carried out.

The Armenians in Bergkarabach are in acute danger. We have been able to apprise ourselves of that in the area. I was there, with my colleague Stefan Keuter, in contrast to you. We have formed a realistic picture on the ground.   

            Johann David Wadephul (CDU/CSU): That exactly is the scandal!

We are doing something; yet the Federal government and many who are present here today say you want to again only talk and again do nothing.

            Johann David Wadephul (CDU/CSU): He knows nothing of what he is saying!

Yet that is much too little.           

            Manuel Sarrazin (Greens): Yet Herr Hampel said that we can do nothing!

Haste is imperative and neutrality implies assent. And who thinks he can keep himself neutral, he is in error.

Erdogan is instituting trouble in northern Iraq, in Syria, in Libya and he is stepping forward aggressively against the West, lately against French President Macron. A policy of appeasement has never yet been continued [weitergeführt], ladies and gentlemen.

Germany has outfitted Turkey with modern armaments; that was always inexcusable, but there now must be an end to that.  

When does the Federal government cease support of Turkey at all levels? That is the question. And when does the Federal government engage and actively commit itself to human rights, for peace and for a people’s right to self-determination? We demand precisely that, the securing of the people’s right to self-determination, and for Bergkarabach.

            Manuel Sarrazin (Greens): Herr Hampel demands something quite different.

We demand immediate steps to really – I say, really – end the bloodletting; thus, not only with words, but also plainly with actions. Bergkarabach requires no observers. On that account, we in this place demand real measures: An arms embargo, sanctions, freezing of accounts and travel bans on the responsible antagonists of the war; naturally, the immediate ending of the EU’s accession negotiations with Turkey and the ending of the customs union. The agreed armistice must be secured, in case of emergency by the UN’s blue helmets with a robust mandate.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]