Saturday, November 14, 2020

Götz Frömming, November 5, 2020, Students’ Social Situation

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/189, pp. 23878-23879.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Dear colleague Gohlke, you have complained that the minister left the plenary hall before the debate. On one point, I can well understand her; since in your motion there is really just nothing new. It is the same plate which you already have set here many times.

            Nicole Gohlke (Linke): All the worse that we must set it yet again!

You again preach redistribution, equalization, and put forward a socialist, comprehensive coverage mentality which we of the AfD do not share.

Ladies and gentlemen, not only that: Your motion also contradicts itself: You complain that it was so bad for the students that they scarcely had anything to eat, that they knew not where to live – in brief: They were in a “precarious situation”, as it is stated in your motion.

            Nicole Gohlke (Linke): Do you actually read much? That is even in the numbers!

How then, together with that, does it happen that we presently have a record number of students – 3 million young people studying – and it becomes ever more? Presently there are 500,000 in the first semester, by 2030 is forecast an increase of 100,000 to 600,000; you yourself name that number in your motion. How can it then be that if it is so bad to study and to be at the Uni, that ever more people strive to be there? So then it cannot be quite so bad.

What now do the Linke concretely require? They want to create more dormitory places. So far, so good. They do not, however, consider that in the last twelve years the capacity of dorm places has been built and indeed, for all that, 16,000 places; we presently have 240,000 dorm places nationwide. Interestingly, all of the new dorm places are to arise not in the east of the country, thus not in the states where the Linke had or has governing responsibility, but in the west of our country.

            Kirsten Tackmann (Linke): Mein Gott!

If we peek at that precisely, we may ascertain that it becomes still more interesting. In Berlin, ja, you co-govern. There, the accommodations rate lies at a modest 5.8 percent. Similarly in Bremen: 6.6 percent; Linke in the government. In Saxony, ladies and gentlemen, we have 15.4 percent accommodations rate, in Baden-Württemberg, for all that, 13 percent. What have these states in common? Right: There, you are not in the government. It is, ja, interesting.

In addition, you once again demand BAföG [federal education assistance] for all; so to say, a basic income for students. It shall naturally be independent of the parents;

            Nicole Gohlke (Linke): Such junk! You really have not understood it!

the FDP meanwhile also adheres to that.

            Kirsten Tackmann (Linke): Then in which place is that?

How, please, is that socially fair? BAföG independent of the parents means nothing other than that the daughter, the son, of a well-to-do dentist, or a well-to-do Linke member, can be eligible. Ladies and gentlemen, that is not socially fair, that is socially most unfair.

            Jens Brandenburg (FDP – Rhein-Neckar): Self-reliant, grown-up persons!

It naturally happens that you want to abolish the age limit; so to say, study until pensioned. And naturally shall all foreigners be able to draw BAföG. You even demand BAföG for the Geduldete, thus people who actually must leave our country, for whom deportation has been merely set aside.You fail to recognize however that that has long since been regulated in the BAföG: §8 paragraph 2a. That can naturally be criticized; but it is long since in there. Please look it up. You may see also in this place: Your motion is handiwork of the worst sort.

In sum, ladies and gentlemen: Study is not an occupation. Schools and universities are not factories and are not social offices. They are places of improvement and that also is good. Quite briefly in conclusion is that which we actually ought to place at the center: We must construct performance concepts [Lesitungsgedanken]. We need more performance stipends. We should also construct dual studies; that is a sensible arrangement. And we should finally stop the inflation of the right to college admission. The Abitur, ladies and gentlemen, must again become an authentic proof of performance.

I thank you.


[trans: tem]