Friday, November 13, 2020

Volker Münz, November 5, 2020, State Benefits to Churches

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/189, 23839-23840.

Herr President. Dear colleagues.

For over 100 years there has been a constitutional mandate to end the so-called Staatsleistungen [state benefits] to the churches. To this day, this mandate has not been implemented, even though the Weimar constitution’s religion articles are a component of  the Basic Law. This constitutional mandate, in existence since 1919, should finally be implemented, ladies and gentlemen. Staatsleistungen are presently payments by the Federal states of around 550 million euros per year to the Catholic bishops and to the Evangelical state churches. Essentially, these benefits go back to the compensations for the expropriations of church goods in the year 1803. It is not about the church taxes [Kirchensteuer] – since that is a member’s contribution – or about church renovations, diaconates, kindergartens and such like. Of the total income of the churches, the Staatsleistungen make up around 2 percent.

For 217 years, payments have been made to the churches which should have been ended 100 years ago. It finally becomes time to do this, ladies and gentlemen. Since it is here about the credibility of the legislators and of the churches. It is about the divestiture [Entflechtung] of state and church, or as was demanded by Pope Benedict, about the un-worldliness [Entweltlichung] of the Church.

            Hermann Gröhe (CDU/CSU): First ask the AfD!

Thus, for example, the EKD supports a gender institute and a ship in the Mediterranean which brings migrants to Europe.

            Philipp Amthor (CDU/CSU): And that during the debate!

            Konstantin von Notz (Greens): Embarrassing!

Both Amtskirchen [official churches] vigorously meddle in politics. A concentration on the essentials, the proper duties of the Church, on preaching and the care of souls, would be to the advantage of the faithful, ladies and gentlemen.

            Martin Rosenmann (SPD): Perhaps Christian conduct as well!

My delegation’s draft law, which was already mentioned, foresees that the Staatsleistungen will be paid only until December 31, 2026; that is still around 3.3 billion euros. Thereby is provided sufficient planning security. The draft of the other opposition delegations foresees that a sum of 18.6 times the present yearly benefit will be made as a one-time payment or as installment payments. That would be around 10 billion euros. We hold that to be excessive, not least on account of the strained budget situation of the states which must come up with the payments. The factor of 18.6 originates from the real property assessment act and thus from tax law. Nevertheless, that is not applicable here.

The question of whether and in which amount a severance contribution is to be made is contested. We associate ourselves with the legal interpretation that the state with its now more than 200 years performance of payments has already completely compensated the churches for historical expropriations. We will further clearly advise this in the committees. I hope the coalition delegations will give up their blockade so that this for long open constitutional mandate will finally be fulfilled.