Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Gottfried Curio, October 30, 2020, France and Islamism

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/187, p. 23642. 

Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen.

A teacher is beheaded because he teaches freedom of opinion. France is shocked, Macron wishes to act. Yet, as indicated by the new attack on praying Christians at a church in Nice: He arrives too late, the terrorists are long since in the country. This murderer arrived in Italy as an illegal refugee. Under Salvini, the victim would still be living. Allowing illegal migration kills.

And now France finally acts. There are raids against Islamists, deportations of those posing a threat, closing of radical mosques. It is acknowledged that for far too long has been neglected how parallel societies drift apart, how fundamentalists overtake entire quarters. One study says 75 percent of European Moslems regard the Koran as “to be taken literally”. Macron now wants to mobilize thousands of soldiers in the country around churches and schools – a cautionary example. Let us not allow it to go so far.

And what does Germany do? The government’s letters of condolence do not acknowledge the Islamist character of the acts. With such a soothing, Germany goes in exactly that wrong way which in France has now finally come to an end. We in this country do not want yet further attacks, but the prevention of attacks by means of deportation. There after all cannot be a defense of those posing a threat which exposes one’s own population to a deadly danger.

After France, Germany has the most Moslems in Europe. To see what is now happening in France is like a glance through a window in time at Germany’s near future. And we in Germany, owing to the migration policy and the ghettos in Duisburg, Cologne, Berlin, are long since on the way to the French situation. Quite surely, we require no further migration by the hundreds of thousands from Islamic countries. What is required is a training in the laws, in the willingness, to take those posing a threat into custody and to deport; and before all, to name the thing by its name.  

Laws and penal codes do not prevent acts, but what remains decisive is the character of the people who wish to come here and live. Why should they give that up when the reception society wishes to have no frame of reference of its own and does not want to stand up for what is particularly its own? They sense the cowardice, the self-loathing, the identity vacuum. Islamism is to be fought not only with laws; it is a fight for the civilization. Who does not see this dimension has already lost.

At a Duisburg spa, some wish to forbid women from wearing skimpy bikinis: Not for all will freedom of choice be tolerated. So it goes. It is not only about acts of terror but also about its enabling surroundings. Was the father of the student who brought the character assassination and the fatwa in rolls a person posing a threat? Were the students who were questioned about the teacher by the murderer in front of the school Islamists? Yet the fatwa was carried out, yet they delivered it at knifepoint. Spiritually [geistig], they had never arrived here. Let us not still deny it!

And in the German schools, the path is being paved to a catastrophe. The German teachers union speaks of a “climate of shock” by Moslem students and parents. Female teachers complain of Moslem students who pose as machos towards the women. They know their Koran: Castigation command against the married woman. The “Welt” says 50 teachers report Moslem students who openly threaten and insult them. One teacher was slapped, non-believing students beaten. What we then do not need here are teachers in headscarves to spiritually guide the next generation of those posing a threat.

The headscarf is by no means a symbol of religious Islam but of an aggressive, women-despising Islamism. Paty died because he wanted to convey to his students what it means to be free. But to be a teacher in times of Islamic mass immigration has become a high-risk occupation. We do not want that here!

Hundreds of persons posing a threat are running around Germany. And the knife murder in Dresden was such as act: A pseudo-refugee, he propagandized the fight against non-believers. Such a person in Germany will be neither deported nor watched full time. The result after five days of freedom: One dead, one seriously wounded.

This government prevents returns to Syria or to third states. An agreement is finally required with the countries of origin to take back their citizens. The people do not understand why that has not happened. Finally apply yourselves to the necessary measures. In regards a lockdown, you certainly are not hypersensitive.

If enlightened Moslems like Rushdie, Seyran Ates, Hamed Abdel-Samad can still only live under police protection, that means that too many Moslems still do not live spiritually in the modern world. These then are not able to live together here with us. Macron defends freedom, he is a son of Voltaire. Merkel is no daughter of Kant, she is a daughter of Honecker.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Geht’s noch platter?

We must remove the teachers from the assaults, must secure the conveyance of values and – France shows how it is done – we must finally give notice of combat against Islamism and act before here also it is too late.


[trans: tem]