Showing posts with label Steffen Kotré. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steffen Kotré. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2023

Steffen Kotré, March 17, 2023, Energy and Expropriation

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/92, pp. 11110-11111.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The green Ampel coalition plans with this draft law a further attack on the state of law. Expropriations of businesses can now more arbitrarily proceed. The affected need no more be heard. The legal procedure is abbreviated. And even if the expropriation is categorized as illegal, it can nevertheless remain standing. That is unconstitutional.

Frau Dr. Nestle, it was just now odd how you have here let slip not a word on what is actually in the draft law. It is only about expropriation in this draft law. You have spoken not a word on the expropriation, but you have wrapped up all in a nebulous packaging.  

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Exactly!

That was a story hour rather than anything else.

We did not say that the electricity supply is no longer secured. The McKinsey report says it: By 2030, 30 gigawatts will accordingly be lacking.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Just a conspiracy theory!

            Ingrid Nestle (Greens): Hadn’t I said it? Ever again, the same story!

            Götz Frömming (AfD): You cannot laugh it away!

All of that is also in the report of the Federal Network Agency; it can be looked up there. We do not say it, but it is in black and white in the corresponding experts’ reports.  

The reasoning for you wanting to expropriate is of course spun like propaganda. The supply security is further endangered.

            Sebastian Roloff (SPD): Yet you always say that! You say that all the day!

In that regard, the Federal government itself has capped our secured energy supply; first coal and nuclear energy dismantled, then gas and oil imports throttled. Naturally is the supply security then endangered, yet not by business but by you of the Federal government.

The Ukraine war is used for propaganda. Putin is now guilty of our energy shortage and high prices. Yet once again: The Federal government has without necessity taken leave of coal electricity and nuclear energy and torpedoed gas and electricity imports. The Russians simply reacted after the Ampel announced it was no more willing to take gas.

One Russian business now experiences arbitrariness and the Federal Republic as a state of injustice.

            Michael Kruse (FDP): Really honest people!

First it was placed under the trusteeship of the Federal government. Now in further steps it shall be expropriated, even though the business always delivered according to contract and has observed all contracts. The only fault: It is Russian.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): State of law, quo vadis?

Frau Annalena Baerbock imagines herself at war. The Ampel coalition prevents a peace diplomacy. They use the Ukraine was for propaganda so as to more quickly drive forward the eco-socialist reconstruction of society.  

            Thomas Heilmann (CDU/CSU): Speak of Putin!

It will unfortunately not remain with this one expropriation. We know of may examples. In Venezuela, it began similarly as now with small things in Germany:

            Markus Kurth (Greens): Exactly! First we expropriate, then we burn down                               everything!

Defamation of the opposition, ignition of inflation, occupation of the higher courts with party soldiers true to the line, political cleansing of the officialdom, expulsion of the well trained key players. We unfortunately see this now in all the small things and its beginning here in Germany – and to oppose that means to offer resistance.

The green Ampel coalition is a wrecking undertaking and manages a policy of state control. The instruments for that are the poisoning of the social climate, prohibitions, expropriations – as we have presented here – redistribution, misappropriation of tax money, destruction of the business fundamentals of firms, deconstruction of prosperity, damage to social accounts, expulsion of skilled labor from Germany. Ladies and gentlemen, these are unfortunately the sad facts.

Let us look at examples: Combustion engine autos as an affordable means of movement, as well as oil and gas heating, will be forbidden. That is a policy of prohibition.

Homeowners will be compelled to expensively renovate their houses. That is an expropriation. The failed energy transition costs one to two trillion euros – many say, six trillion euros. That is destruction of prosperity.

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr colleague.

The electricity supply is no longer secured; disconnections threaten. That is a scarcity economy.

Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Your speaking time is at an end. You have likely already noticed.

Exactly. On that account, I come to a last sentence.

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: A last of all sentence.

The coalition should re-name itself “plunder coalition”. That is the correct name.


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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Steffen Kotré, December 15, 2022, Energy Prices

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/76, p. 8993.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The demolition Ampel coalition marches further in the direction of an energy and social policy abyss and into fiscal madness. The sums of the transfer payments are now no longer realistically covered. We thus have an inflation of 10 percent so that, with the therefrom resulting contraction, the citizens are to be saddled with the loss of value. The self-made scarcity economy is administered as in a dictatorship and the citizens will be bled, ladies and gentlemen. As per planned economics, holes will now be plugged with tax monies which we would not have in a functioning social market economy without this dumb and naive sanctions policy.

Despite the price brake, the command energy cost are nevertheless paid, although now plainly in regards the so-called energy transition by the taxpayer. The situation might be immediately defused with nuclear energy, with coal electricity, by ending the useless sanctions. Yet because the Ampel does not do that, we must confirm that we here have to do with a misappropriation of the tax money.  

The Ampel, sadly no longer obligated to the people, shovels the Germans’ money by the handful beyond the actual energy costs to foreign countries: In the U.S.A. for over-priced liquid gas, to India for Russian oil,

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Hear, hear!

now to France and Belgium for Russian LNG.

And Russia nevertheless received additional money, even though the Ampel propaganda wanted to prevent precisely that with these sanctions. Yet the left-green rupture Ampel coalition thereby unfortunately makes us hostages to its hypocritical moral propaganda, ladies and gentlemen.

Normally, there would be a termination when things do not function – yet sadly, plainly not with the Left-Greens. The hindering of lower electricity prices thus must have a reason. Which indeed lies in the intention to financially damage us Germans, to quasi reduce [verdünnen] our economic power, as had been plausibly said by the former Green war minister, Joschka Fischer: To quasi verdünnen.

            Kassem Taher Saleh (Green): Eijeijei!

One instrument for that is to not directly purchase Russian oil and gas of good value, but roundabout and via middlemen.Thus then can this wrecking crew of course make additional money in foreign countries, with for example, the interpolation of the U.S. American firm Conoco Phillips for Qatari gas, of the Belgian Fluxys, of the French Total Energy.

Ladies and gentlemen, with a culpable act of misappropriation of tax money, the entire Federal government sits presumably in the defendants’ box. The citizens bravely pay their high taxes and the government routinely squanders it. That must stop. Therefore, with the AfD, this will be a criminal act of misappropriation of tax money.

            Kathrin Vogler (Linke): Who themselves all sit in jail!

            Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus (FDP): Mein Gott! Who wrote this speech?

The left-green politburo with its planned economy transfer payments not only does not solve the problems in our country, but also intensifies them for the future. The price reduction for customers – now codified in this package of laws – not only does not solve the problems but it effects an incentive for baseless price increases by the businesses themselves, by the suppliers. In the next year, Russian pipeline gas is eliminated and a replacement is lacking. The begging tours of Scholz and Habeck were, as is known, not very productive. When the world economy increases then, ja, LNG will in general be in demand and for us will also be scarcer and more expensive.

Ladies and gentlemen, the damage to Deutschland AG sadly continues.

            Kathrin Vogler (Linke): That is Reichsbürger propaganda which you                                        are spreading here!

The people in our country will however recognize that and then is an end with this politics directed against our people.

            Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus (FDP): Mein Gott! You are embarrassing!

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Reichsbürger speech!

– You naturally could not restrain yourselves from saying something here. 

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): To that, you have not once a good answer!

            Lukas Köhler (FDP): You would have better said something reasonable!

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): The Legal Institute of Self-stupefaction.


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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Steffen Kotré, December 16, 2021, Nuclear Power Plants

 German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/9, pp. 423-424.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Due to the world’s dumbest energy policy, we are meanwhile at five to twelve. The energy suppliers sound the alarm. EON chief Birnbaum prognosticates that an electricity shortfall can lead to shutting down entire cities and that, with the high energy prices, industry will be hunted out of our country. And Amprion, the transmission network operator, to name only one, expresses itself similarly. They all speak of considerable danger for our electricity supply due to the present situation. The electricity grid has now already reached its limit of performance, there are no more reserves.

Timon Gremmels (SPD): It is rather the AfD which has reached its limit                                   of performance!

Please now put an end, ladies and gentlemen, to the lie of a lifetime, that we would in the mid-term get along without coal and nuclear power. Since your answer to the electricity gap – gas power plants and electricity imports – is a fata morgana. Additional gas power plants are not in sight; no one will build them. Where then shall the gas actually come from if the Federal government wants to prevent Nord Stream 2, if our naïve Foreign Minister, with her clumsiness and with her childish megalomania

Timon Gremmels (SPD): For God’s sake!

shoots and acts against Russia and our gas supply?

Timon Gremmels (SPD): Have you something of substance to offer or                                   only insults?

She thereby calls to mind the greats, like perhaps Kaiser Wilhelm II, rather than a modern diplomat, ladies and gentlemen.

Germany needs an energy foreign policy and not an energy prevention policy.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): And reasonable parliamentarians!

On another point: There will plainly not be able to be electricity imports in times of peak load because precisely then foreign countries themselves also need the electricity. The answer is therefore at hand: Further operation of remunerative nuclear power plants.

Ever more voices express themselves for this; for example, the chief of Volkswagen or the ex-chief of BASF, to name here only a few. The entire world is setting up nearly CO2-free nuclear energy. The Netherlands have certainly perceived their failures and again take up nuclear energy. A great number of nuclear power plants are in planning and in construction worldwide. Even the so-called World Climate Council proceeds thereon that climate goals without nuclear energy are just not to be attained.

Yes, many people have reservations in regards nuclear energy, fear of a total meltdown; yet this fear is unfounded. Modern reactor concepts exclude such catastrophes, ladies and gentlemen.

            Harald Ebner (Greens): Reality is just not your strong point!

In part, a self-sustained chain reaction is generally no longer necessary. Research reactors of this kind are long since under construction, yet unfortunately not in allegedly technology-oriented Germany.

The waste storage problem will be solved with transmutation, remaining material will be re-utilized. Present day radioactive times of 100,000 years diminish: Tomorrow 300 years, the day after perhaps indeed no longer. That is scientific, technological progress, ladies and gentlemen, which you want to prevent.

The left-greens want to diminish the CO2 emission. We want a good value, secure supply of electricity. Na, dann, let us nevertheless come together.

            Julia Verlinden (Greens): , we do not want to work together with you!

With modern, nearly CO2-free nuclear energy both are plainly possible. That would be an intelligent, a reconciling and a fully responsible policy, ladies and gentlemen.

Yet you, those of you who want to prevent nuclear energy – so to say, as an eternal strife – will not be able to prevent the renaissance of safe nuclear energy. What you clearly hinder is our prosperity. You are the world champions in destroying it. We will thus need to subsequently purchase technology in the area of nuclear energy later and again more expensively.

Yet let it be clear to you: We will not be able to do without nuclear energy. You can turn upside down. It is no longer to be stopped.

            Harald Ebner (Greens): You have nothing to do with reality!


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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Steffen Kotré, December 8, 2020, Budget – Economy and Energy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/197, p. 24839.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Herr Minister, may I take you at your word? With you, no tax increases? Have I correctly understood that? Yes, very nice, very good. That, I believe, is the correct way.

Yet, on the remark that declining electricity prices would be a problem: It is not. It is not a problem if the stock market price declines. That is only a problem if we find ourselves in a planned economy. Unfortunately, we do find ourselves in a planned economy, and that might by all means be a problem because all is inter-connected. Then one must turn here and there instead of engaging in the market and allowing the market mechanism to work. If prices decline for the consumers, then that is only good, ladies and gentlemen.

The Tesla firm is building a plant in Brandenburg and it is also building on a plant site with an electricity supply. There will also be erected a natural gas power plant. Why? Because this firm can no longer rely on the German electricity supply. That is unfortunately so. Here, the energy transformation certainly destroys our secure electricity supply and that is a sign of poverty, ladies and gentlemen.

Timon Gremmels (SPD): The energy transformation creates workplaces! Workplaces viable for the future!

The chief of the Tesla firm, Herr Elon Mūsk is moreover a realist.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): Do you have muscle cramps?

Musk, yes, of course; I beg your pardon. – He has expressed himself in favor of the nuclear energy of the future. He manufactures E-mobility, yet knows quite precisely that renewables also do not suffice. He therefore correctly states that we need nuclear energy. He is naturally right in that, ladies and gentlemen. Energy contributes to our progress.

Progress in energy production consists of reducing the land use per energy unit of energy production and to continually increase the harvest factor. That will thus increase the intensity. We may only achieve that with a more modern energy production, thus only with nuclear power, ladies and gentlemen. The effect of this is that we have an ever better energy generation system and, among other things and besides other aspects, that the energy of third-world countries is also of good value.

We unfortunately adopt another way: Our energy becomes ever more expensive. Yet, in Africa for example, that is for people a factor. The number of people who live in extreme poverty does not diminish on its own. Plainly it is also on account of inexpensive energy, which those who here want to promote the energy transformation want to withhold from them.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Tell that to the people in Fukushima!

Dear friends,

            Andreas Mattfeldt (CDU/CSU): Let us refrain from “friends”.

in the budget we continually read of the subvention for E-mobility. Yet what does that mean, “the subvention for E-mobility”? That means: The subvention of consumption. If anyone wants to drive an E-auto, then let that be allowed to him. Yet if we now thereby also support his interest in a purchase, and give him money for that, then that contradicts the market economy, ladies and gentlemen.

No, we should instead demand a yield. We should demand, instead of subventions, energy concepts for the the future and our money there well invest. That can only be nuclear energy. The Russians have ships with nuclear power plants which they can bring everywhere.

             Andreas Mattfeldt (CDU/CSU): Here again speaks the friend of the Russians!

The Chinese have managed a nuclear fusion for ten seconds. We unfortunately will be technologically dependent and this unfortunately is reflected in this budget: That it is not viable for the future. Thus must we unfortunately reject it.

            Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: Please come to an end.

Our proposal is to make Germany strong for the future, to make it technologically strong and to again invest in research in nuclear energy.

Thank you.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Mask on!


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