Friday, November 6, 2020

Tobias Peterka, October 30, 2020, Children and Sexual Violence

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/187, pp. 23551-23552. 

Good morning, Herr President. Right honorable colleagues.

This topic is so unappealing that one wishes that it need be dealt with less often. Children are the weakest members of our society, those most in need of a defense to which ordinarily all other groups have risen. Yet in the final consequence, children for us are the ultimo ratio. For without them, there is no future and the best, sustainable, equalized, correctly speaking society would cease to exist.

            Claudia Roth (Greens-Augsburg): Oje!

Yes, Frau Lambrecht, you have finally become active. Yet for much too long have you hesitated, and even justified that the sexual abuse of children remained an offense, instead of being evaluated as a crime. Now then the hectic Aktionismus; since the criticism, and from the AfD, simply was much too loud.

            Michael Grosse-Böhmer (CDU/CSU): I certainly have heard nothing of it!

– Then take a look at the internet, what was written there in June.

You sell the draft law as a comprehensive assessment. Na ja, those of the youth office, for example, would necessarily receive more disposable means. Since naturally the worst of offenses can occur in the pastel painted quarters of professors, yet certainly in the problematic neighborhoods it must all the more be able to demand access to families. Child and youth aid cooperation obligations, as demanded by the Greens in their motion, are well and good; yet this does not help if in practice the sails are struck for the least little crisis of cultural conflict. Sexual violence against children is to be elucidated and dealt with as equally offensive in all directions and in every milieu.

The government’s draft concentrates on the fair upgrade of offenses. And the clarification that there is to be permitted no sexual use of children, in which the term “abuse” will be abolished, is naturally completely correct. There are, however, in the policies of the Green movement, also other points of view.

Reform of judicial procedures, training of youth and family magistrates, qualifications for procedural assistants, all of that is to the good, quite clearly. However, on which account sexualized violence without bodily contact, thus when the child only must witness, will without re-qualification be more lightly penalized, troubles me and is incomprehensible to me. The psychic damage quite clearly appears to belong as a decisive element.

Why only one year’s sentence for these swapping service operators? Today’s digital possibilities now all the more call up the worst of the perpetrators. We know the cases in Lügde and Münster where that was marked. An extra offense with a significantly higher minimal sentence would have been sensible here. The CSU is already going in the right direction.

Frau Lambrecht, you are again working simply as driven. I would have – you of course are not listening – wished for more verve there; for example, the prohibition of serial probations. There is an AfD draft law on that. Do not continue to grasp this with forceps. It would be wonderful here to be able to accompany. You yourself are now proceeding – as you write in the draft law – to produce more probations by means of harder sentences. Congratulations. With our draft law, that would not have been so.

We also demand, for example, a sex offender registry which is open to public inspection. There is for long something similar in the U.S.A. That would have been a brave advance; that also of course pertains to us. We also require more IT people for the police. If we can then provide that the police, youth authorities and judges in our country are treated less like children and no longer placed under a general suspicion, then such legal initiatives may also display some effect.

Many thanks.



[trans: tem]