Thursday, November 5, 2020

Beatrix von Storch, October 29, 2020, Corona and Democracy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/186, p. 23382.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable colleagues.

Democracy and parliamentary government in Germany are in a deep crisis – not just since Corona – and the crisis has a name: Angela Merkel. In the euro crisis, she loaded trillions in charges onto the citizens – in violation of the European treaties. In the asylum and migration crisis, she allowed millions of illegals into the country – in violation of the Basic Law and without parliament. And since Corona, she practically governs with an emergency regime together with the Minister-presidents, the pestilence regime. She kills public life – without debate,

            Carsten Schneider (SPD-Erfurt): Then just what are we doing here?

without scientific basis and again without parliament.

The FDP’s criticism of that is correct, yet it naturally comes entirely too late. On March 23, Frau Aschenberg-Dugnus had already moved that of which you are speaking,

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): Nonsense!

namely, to limit the term of the extraordinary emergency situation to one month and then re-evaluate it after one month – Drucksache 19/18159, Herr Kuhle, look it up. The FDP rejected that. On April 21, we moved to examine weekly the adopted preventative measures and for the  Bundestag’s participation therein in suitable ways – Drucksache 19/18738. The FDP rejected that. And on June 30, we presented a motion entitled “Deep Intervention in the Basic Rights Requires Parliamentary Control”. And the FDP rejected that.

Now then, the members of the German Bundestag were presented with faits accomplis; that today was criticized multiple times – we learned of all that, the complete Merkel lockdown, from the news services. That is not disregard of parliament, that is contempt of parliament. The fate of millions of employees, of hundreds of thousands of businesses and the stability of the German economy are not to be left to the random discussions of a video conference or to the vanities of Herren Söder, Laschet and Ramelow. The result then of video democracy is pure arbitrariness: The new preventative measures themselves are plainly absurd when in regards the factual epidemiological danger; and that also was said multiple times today.  

If anyone has observed the distancing regulations, etc., it was the restaurant trade. And what do you do? You close the restaurant establishments – 1.8 million employees, 65 billion euro turnover – and that, even though the RKI [Robert Koch Institute] – the holy RKI – as we read, has expressly stated: They are not centers of infection. – The canteens remain open, yet the restaurants shall close. Really now?

And to meet my neighbor, now I must take the subway; since I may not see her at home. Day-cares and schools were not closed; das ist gut. Yet then why the lodging ban? Where does a virus prefer to circulate, in a classroom, or in a hotel room, or in vacation house? Tourism: 3 million employees, 290 billion euro turnover.

Do you on the government bench actually know what you are doing, or is it all the same to you?

            Alexander Gauland (AfD): Nay, they know nothing of that!

You have no scientific basis for that which you are doing. For that very reason, what you are doing is arbitrary, and the arbitrariness is illegal, and the illegal begets rage.

            Karin Maag (CDU/CSU): Do you actually listen to the experts on occasion?

I say to the millions of employees alone in tourism and the restaurant trade whose workplaces are threatened and to the businessmen who stand before ruin and the end: Remember next September which party has done this to you. If you want an end to this mischief, then support the AfD. That is the only language this government understands.  


[trans: tem]