Monday, November 2, 2020

Ingo Hahn, October 28, 2020, Environment

Bavarian Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 18/58, pp. 22-25.

Frau President, right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Conserve resources? – Yes! Secure the means of livelihood? – Yes! We all hope for the best for Bavaria’s future in 2050. Yet if we thusly continue, Bavaria’s future in the aforesaid year appears to be entirely other than positive.

I for once ask you quite openly: How then are resources conserved? By, for example, setting up  efficient technologies and innovations. I further ask: How then are the means of livelihood secured? – By being concerned for the good of those who supply us with food. The last question: How is Bavaria’s future through the year 2050 secured? – Quite simple: By not being afraid in the year 2020 to set out on a path of cool, blue reason instead of a planned economy path of over-heated folly. Herr Minister, you seek a new, blue infrastructure. There, you sit well forward and better positioned than ever, and that in full strength, in contrast to other half-delegations in this house.

Outside of Bavaria, we are admired not only for our beautiful farms and beautiful nature. Before all, economic success brings us recognition. This success is in turn a basic pillar of our prosperity. Why do I say that? – Quite simple, because one must be able to afford environmental protection, ladies and gentlemen. The Söder government, however, by means of ever greater charges, puts in play our prosperity and thereby also puts at risk those precautions which may yet be of use to the environment. The Greens are neither in the Federal or the State government, yet have nevertheless transformed you, ladies and gentlemen of the CSU and the Freie Wähler, into the Greens 2.0 and 3.0. It is no longer of significance how you call yourself or to which delegation or party you belong, since you pray to the same idols as the Greens.

 You, Herr Minister Glauber, are the greenest environment minister that Bavaria has ever had, and indeed party-green. To me, it is clear that you as an architect would have clearly been a good building minister. But environment minister? – You speak here of the soil. It is not clear to me whether you at all know the difference between soil content [Bodenart] and soil type [Bodentyp]. I still ask in the first semester before Christmas, how does the sub-soil [Unterboden] differ from the topsoil [Oberboden] and the sea horizon. You have in fact generally remained bottomless [bodenlos].

You here unfortunately pursue an eager obedience to the left-green Zeitgiest. What is bad is you assert you would do everything for the good of environmental protection, yet what you always mean by that is the climate protection. You have here again begun with the climate protection.

I want to adhere to two points: First, the climate cannot be protected. The second is climate protection is not environmental protection. Quite the opposite: Your incessant and quite manic focus on the CO2 output causes massive damage to our nature. With your wind rotors, you yearly kill hundreds of thousands of birds and field mice. You are responsible for that. It comes to billions of insects. The wild animals draw a red trace of blood halfway across Bavaria which you, Herr Aiwanger and Herr Glauber, still wish to extend into the State forests.

Since, for you, the construction does not proceed quickly enough, the windmills shall soon become a question of national security, thereby finally stopping the citizens’ protests which weigh upon you; since, to you all, it is very well clear that the people desire few additional wind propellers. You with good reason complain but that is all the same to them.

Your photovoltaics likewise demand many more victims to be burned on a sea of silicate plates. The utterly degenerate bio-mass production has transformed our fields into monocultures. Rapeseed and corn to the horizon, as far as the eye can see. And you still wonder over the insects dying?

All of your renewable energies have one thing in common: Before all must first yield grazing, hunting and forestry. What a crime against our Heimat! I truly ask you, dear Freie Wähler, dear Minister Glauber: How long will you play along with this nonsense? You were once a solid, Heimat-loving, freedom party, close to the citizens. Under the Söder government, however, you have become one of Green facilitators. Herr Glauber, last week, you were simply shoved aside so that Herr Söder can alone have the stage here for the umpteenth time. Finally understand: You are merely the place-holder for the love affair of the CSU with the Greens. Or, if you wish to extend it to your five water columns, then you, Herr Glauber, are perhaps the sixth column; namely, the temporary water carriers for the Greens.

All of your demands and measures stand on an ostensibly man-made climate change which in your descriptions has today already reached an apocalyptic scale. You know as well as I that there are always changes. In geologic history, there are even essentially greater variations – long before man and also long before industrialization.

You neglect all of this. Yet then where exactly in Bavaria are the damages resulting from your climate change? Tell us, even if we already know your answer! You would cry: Drought, crop failure, storms, floods, heating – no, over-heating! – The answer however is: There was all of that earlier. There is all of that today. Ja, and there will be all of that tomorrow, with and without man.

We of course cannot control nature…

Yet do not misunderstand me. I in now way deny the necessity of protecting our environment – quite the opposite. I want to persuade you to finally pursue a true protection of our nature. I of course do not want that, for E-mobility, entire eco-systems in South America and Africa be destroyed. I do not want that, for technologies from out of the last millennium, our Bavarian forests be cleared away. And I do not want that, for an over-driven bio-mass production, the native variety of species of plants and animals be sacrificed.

I much prefer to relieve our farmers who, conditioned by Biolandbau [organic farming] and monocultures, have been compelled to economize ever more intensively so as to compensate the loss.

Dear State government, it is for this ministry to protect the Bavarian environmental goods which form the means of livelihood of the Bavarian population. That means keeping the air, water and soil clean as well as as the protection of flora and fauna. That, however, plainly does not mean to squander and sacrifice all of these resources, only because one suffers from the megalomania of wishing to play the little, godly creator.  Your example with Gollum is here only strictly speaking characteristic, Herr Glauber. That appears to be a fantasy of yours which can only harm our environment.

Dear Freie Wähler, as to your new role in the Green climate sect, to or fro – it remains as it ever was: True environmental protection is conservative.



[trans: tem]