Saturday, June 12, 2021

Nicole Höchst, May 21, 2021, Elections – Citizens Participation

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/231, pp. 29775-29776. 

Frau President. Valued colleagues. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

We are deliberating today on many motions of this legislative period, all of which are more or less honestly dedicated to the theme of citizen participation. The Greens for example in their motion, gendered almost into unintelligibility and unreadability, demand the establishment of so-called citizens *** councils. These shall participate in the legislative process.

This unfortunately, as shown yesterday in the city council meeting in Speyer, must be evaluated as a further attempt to transform a constitutionally chartered democracy into a kind of simulation of democracy. The testifying expert herself in the offered presentation went explicitly into the connection with so-called undesired results. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Expert, for colorfulness, tolerance and variety, that you in advance so drop your trousers. For you, it is certainly not about citizen participation in a democratic process. For you, it is unfortunately about leading on the citizens with more participation – an absurd theater with the sole purpose of reaching the pre-determined result. Who then specifies the result? The German people know not.

Valued petitioners, why should young people be awarded the active right to vote when they themselves possess no passive right? No 16-year-old may drive a car or purchase liquor or be tattooed without the parents’ consent or decide whether he wants to smoke a cigarette or not. In court, there is the juvenile penal code. Yet shall he be able to make groundbreaking decisions for the entire society? That is incoherent [passt vorn und hinten nicht zusammen], ladies and gentlemen. Civil rights in the view of the AfD delegation should unconditionally correspond with civil duties.

Ladies and gentlemen, we live in unusual times. In today’s debate, we yet again experience the further deconstruction of the term “democracy” by government and petitioners. Celebrated by a press-for-hire, so-called fact finders, NGO and foundation democracy, centers for political education and also a civil society in part financed by tax money, for the purpose of promoting democracy you force public opinion into the desired corridors of opinion. Bravo!

A self-named speech police outlaws terms, issues prohibitions of speech and thought. This new, exclusive democracy by every means appears to be right: Democracy foundations, democracy projects and even soon democracy laws. You imagine yourselves to be unassailable in your sovereign interpretations. Who should have something against democracy?

            Helin Evrim Sommer (Linke): The AfD!

Unfortunately, with this concept of democracy, it is in truth a question of a really intense false labeling; namely, the poorly hidden attempt to ostracize unfavored parties, organizations, media, ideas, facts and persons from the political spectrum by means of scandalization and criminalization. A monstrous, almost tyrannical process, ladies and gentlemen! Since in practice tax money will be thoroughly committed to the annihilation of the political opposition at all levels. That is is the sad reality in the Germany of 2021, ladies and gentlemen. The Alternative für Deutschland  is the sole delegation in the German Bundestag which resists this monstrous process. We proudly engage against the epic error that democracy, participation, human rights and the rights of freedom are separable and may be assigned by a government. We are for authentic citizen participation and popular referendum following the Swiss model – not, however, your rotten jamboree.

Hearty thanks.

            Helge Lindh (SPD): It was really a philosophical discourse.


[trans: tem]