Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Albrecht Glaser, June 25, 2021, Common Use Political Organizations

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/237, pp. 30900-30901.

Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Football Germany experienced a moment of horror at the game of the national team against France when a para-glider in the course of its demonstration flight nearly unleashed a catastrophe. This proceeding, according to the current legal situation, is an emission of a Greenpeace common use activity.

Plainly the question of what actually common use can be in the sense of tax law has to be decided by the tax administration in the case of Attac. This political network arose in Germany with a “declaration for democratic control of the financial market”. This resolution was undersigned by various leftist-directed organizations and by politicians of Bundnis 90/Die Grünen and the SPD.

According to statements of the Hessen Fiscal Court, Attac is active as follows: The association “promoted demands of concrete tax policy for an improvement of the income of the entire State, exercised criticism of the Federal government’s legal proposal, applied itself with an on-line appeal to the Federal Chancellor and Federal Ministers…, arranged collections of signatures and demanded of ‘die Politik’ to no longer fiscally favor holding companies like investment funds”, and demanded state political projects “which subject the public to democratic control” [der demokratischen Kontrolle der Öffentlicjkeit zu unterwerfen”]. – End quote.

            Michael Schrodi (SPD): Very good demands!

Appropriately, the BFH [Federal Fiscal Court] in 2019 then needed to come to the conclusion that in regards campaigns substantially managed by Attac, it was not about the provision of educational content, but about a – quote – “publicly effective presentation and carrying through of its own conceptions on daily political themes and thereby about influencing the political decision-making process and public opinion”.

In its second decision in the scope of the revision on December 10, 2020, the BFH was then still more clear: “The influencing of political decision-making and the formation of public opinion is not an independent common use purpose in the sense of §52 of the tax code”. And: The complainant “cannot place in question by means of its understanding of the term political education” the BFH’s decision. – End quote.

§52 of the tax code presently permits the merger of tax-favored corporate bodies into a kind of tax-favored corporate body concern in which, according to §58 of the tax code, tax-favored  corporate bodies are allowed to send on their own tax-favored income to other tax-favored corporate bodies. Thereby is in question whether this is reconcilable with the principle of immediacy in pursuit of a tax-favored purpose by means of a corporate body which receives from members and donors concrete gifts which go to a concrete purpose. For the immediate pursuit of a purpose is a prerequisite for achieving the status of the common use organization.

In view of a legal situation clarified by a Federal superior court, it could be expected that now nationwide the Finance officials examine their cases of common use – and particularly by means of an inspection of the facts – as to whether there are to be found comparable organizations which are illegally obtaining tax favors; especially if these privileges have been authorized: No corporate tax, no basic tax, no real property tax, a moderated turnover tax.

In addition, acknowledged common use organizations are authorized to issue donation vouchers to natural persons and to businesses. Both groups can each year direct up to 20 percent of their revenue or profits to such organizations and write off such contributions from their basic tax assessment.

Abuse blooms as a result of so many subventions. Thus then can motorized para-gliders be commissioned, demonstrations organized with large devices for generating noise and travel cost compensation for participants, a printing of leaflets and a financing of advertisements which will be paid for Bundestag members, etc., etc. A known transfer from members to such business models is not to be overlooked. With such tax subventions will be erected an entire scene of so-called civil society organizations which shall then lend democratic legitimacy to bad politics.

All of this is indeed the reason why the Federal Finance Minister and the State Finance Ministers have agreed on a kind of non-application decree until the end of 2021. That is a scandal and a nullification of the verdict, ladies and gentlemen.Your intent was indeed in this legislative period to legalize the abuses of Greenpeace, Attac & Co. That fortunately, up to today, has not succeeded.

We therefore demand [Drucksache 19/30970] securing as quickly as possible the existing legal situation and, additionally, thinning out the catalogue of promoted purposes in §52 of the tax code. It contains rubber clauses, as for example in numeral 25 – quote – “the promotion of citizens’ engagement in favor of common use, benevolent and church purposes”.

Here is urgently required a legislative clarification.

Surreptitious or abusive common use, ladies and gentlemen, is tax embezzlement, and certainly when it is committed by leftist fighting organizations.

Hearty thanks.


[trans: tem]