Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Martin Reichardt, May 21, 2021, All-day School

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/231, pp. 29712-29713.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Frau Giffey, on account of her doctorate work, has now finally resigned. That was long overdue. Frau Lambrecht, if you show the same elan in family policy as Frau Giffey in the last months – which you can do gladly – then you have not much to do.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): So offensive!

Not only on account of her plagiarism is it right that Frau Giffey has resigned, but because it was she who permitted that the policy in the Corona phase made the children sick, ladies and gentlemen. We today are speaking on all-day attendance of children, and that is already a disdain, considering the present situation of our children. I thus now come, in the conditions of the scope of this discussion, to what needs be said.

Not this law but the recommendation of a mass vaccination of children as a basis for the restitution of human rights and education was Frau Giffey’s last, official act. She wants to send our children to a fully unnecessary, final battle against the Corona virus. That is a disgrace, ladies and gentlemen.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): This vocabulary is a disgrace!

Children who neither are instigators of the pandemic nor commonly infect others shall first recover their rights, and thereby also the all-day attendance, if they have been immunized with a vaccine which has an emergency authorization.

            Sönke Rix (SPD): That is just not right! You are lying!

My delegation decisively says to that: No! Hands off our children! Our children are not your test rabbits, ladies and gentlemen.

            Bettina Margarethe Wiesmann (CDU/CSU): Abysmal!

Yet precisely that want all delegations here other than mine, and against all scientific studies.

What we however precisely do know is the following: Children have no use for this vaccine. Only the pharma lobbyists and Herr Spahn have a use for this vaccine, ladies and gentlemen.

            Ekin Deligöz (Greens): Theme!

There are no studies which appraise the long-term damages. This shall first come in four years. Who, against this background, propagandizes for a mass vaccination of children should be ashamed of himself.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Do you know the theme of the debate?

When you board an aircraft which has an emergency authorization and so take a flight, then that is your amusement. But when children are required to fly in such aircraft, then that is a scandal, ladies and gentlemen.

What happens with the children who have not been vaccinated? Are they not allowed on class trips? Are they not allowed in the swimming pool?

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Deal with the theme!

Are they not allowed to make use of all-day attendance, as is now already happening with the children who do not let themselves be tested? Ladies and gentlemen, what then shall become of this? Will these children also be excluded and be designated as socially harmful? That is the question we have here before us.

            Silke Launert (SPD): Unspeakable!

Need unteachable parents thereby reckon that their children will be taken away? Since once you have implemented children’s right in the Basic Law, then you can declare vaccination to be a children’s right and then you can enforce this vaccination against the will of the parents. That we do not want, ladies and gentlemen.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Incitement! Incitement! Incitement! Nothing else!

A Germany in which politics makes the children sick is one in which meanwhile much, much too much, is possible.

            Sönke Rix (SPD): You are here inciting with un-truths!

The departed Minister Giffey declared herself in favor of vaccinating children and youths as quickly as possible. She said: We owe it to the children and youth. – I say to you: No, we do not. We owe to our children – with and without vaccination and tests – open schools, common games and free air to breathe, ladies and gentlemen. We owe them to be at hand, warmth and care. We owe them a life without fear and a return of their basic rights, and that as quickly as possible, ladies and gentlemen.

We also owe it to them – and this the Social Democrats should write behind the ears – that we do not abuse the trust of our children and youths. We owe that to them, and not a useless, dangerous vaccination, ladies and gentlemen.

            Sönke Rix (SPD): You are spreading hatred and incitement!


[trans: tem]