Saturday, June 5, 2021

Berengar Elsner von Gronow, May 20, 2021, Security Clearance for Soldiers

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/230, p. 29537.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

“The Bundeswehr has an attitude problem [Haltungsproblem].” The former Defense Minister inadmissibly attested to that in the year 2017, and that resounds in this draft law. One’s own government increasingly distrusts its own public servants and its citizens. I had believed that we learned from the era of 20th Century German surveillance states, that we had overcome this and would not so repeat ourselves. Yet the present Corona policy sadly shows us how quickly government and organs of the state are ready to restrict freedom and data protection in favor of an ostensible security. We of the AfD do not accept this and, fortunately, are ever more people in this country with us.

            Thomas Hitschler (SPD): But the surveys say otherwise!

The Military Counterintelligence Service just recently categorized 1,200 reservists as right-radical, without having made those affected aware of that. Where then shall it lead if today to go on reading an article in the “Junge Freiheit”, or to visit a rowdy student union, suffices to be categorized as “right-radical”? At least member Sensburg, CDU, who is not only a reserve staff officer and a law professor but also president of the reservists association, has sounded the alarm on this. I cite: “Not a single one of these cases would stand up to a legal examination.” Yet it is not just about this. It already suffices in our country to be designated and disavowed as “right-radical” when someone even only does not support hypotheses of leftist opinion. That is typical of a political denunciation state as we know it from totalitarian systems. That however may never be allowed to again become a standard in Germany. I am anxious as to whether Professor Sensburg will achieve something or whether he was already from within the party ordered back, since the once conservative CDU long since prepares to conclude a new union with the leftists, only in the future painted green.

The Bundeswehr and even the KSK [special forces commando] on the whole do not have an attitude but even so a leadership problem. It is not wholly about belittling or dismissing lapses of individual soldiers. But this increasing distrust by the state vis-à-vis its citizens, especially those in uniform, is a quite bad development in our country. If my criticism of that in committee is made fun of by the SPD…I can only say: I gladly accept that; since it shows that the AfD is the only remaining party which is believably and seriously committed to the freedom of our citizens. This may also be seen in that the public hearing which I demanded was rejected with statements like: “Despite all justified criticism, we will vote for this law” from all other parties, even the conformists [Scheinfreiheitlichen] of the FDP. I hope the citizens know the value of that. Thus is made no believable politics of freedom.

            Tobias Pflüger (Linke): Such nonsense!

Many thanks.



[trans: tem]