Thursday, June 17, 2021

Bernd Baumann, June 10, 2021, Integration and Culture

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/233. Pp. 29962-29963.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

A great uproar lately in France.

            Vice-president Petra Pau: Herr Baumann, that was a slight misunderstanding.

How please?

            Vice-president Petra Pau: A Präsidentin is actually sitting here.

Ach, so. I begin from the start.

Frau Präsidentin. Ladies and gentlemen.

A great uproar lately in France. A threatening letter, a warning. A thousand senior officers, among them 20 generals, have the courage to openly name the failings of integration: Quite distinct cultures and mentalities meet one another, irreconcilable and ever more violent. Civil war threatens France. Verbatim: “The violence increases from day to day.” Who ten years ago would have thought that teachers would be decapitated in front of their schools?

With us, the problems are not much less, only here no one dares to openly speak of it. In surveys, 78 percent of the Germans say that they would be afraid to speak openly on critical themes like migration. Almost 80 percent!

            Ulla Jepke (Linke): Then whose fault is that?

That is your fault! You kindle a climate of intimidation. You are demolishing our democracy.

Worse still: Researchers here in this country no longer dare to investigate negative consequences of integration. One of the leading migration researchers in Europe, Ruud Koopmans of the Humboldt University, Berlin, now complains – verbatim – : “The research to be promoted is that which is politically desired.”

When it is about integration problems, only politically correct questions may be asked. Questions then run: Where are migrants discriminated, marginalized, excluded from participation? Mostly guilty then are the Germans. Not to be researched are cultural value concepts and behavior patterns which migrants bring from their lands of origin and which can even prevent integration. Finance for such research is to be dried up; since – as per Koopmans – the ability to integrate foreign cultural elements into this country may not be doubted. Thus in Germany are research and free science suppressed because all of you here are afraid of the answers, because they do not suit your left-green distorted view of the world, ladies and gentlemen.  

Necla Kelek, the sociologist from Turkey, warns: The massive cultural distinctions are so great that they – verbatim – cry out to be empirically researched. She is right. Much in Germany plainly evolves dramatically. Kelek refers to women who seek protection in women’s homes from their men, and of these, 80 percent are coming from a Moslem cultural circle. An additional example is the mutilation of the genitalia of women and girls. In this country, 70,000 women and girls have experienced this torture, often without anaesthetic; add to that untold thousands of forced marriages, child marriages, consanguineous marriages, honor killings; in Berlin alone, 6,000 forced marriages a year.

All of this, the old parties do not want to acknowledge. Here appears completely different pictures of people. This is the dirty side of Multikulti. You hide all of this so as to continue to hold onto your Utopia, ja, your religion of colorfulness and variety, and this cannot so continue, ladies and gentlemen.

It is similar with the immigrated oriental clans. They meantime terrorize entire neighborhoods of almost all of the major German cities, pocketing extortion money, dealing in drugs, women, weapons. All of these people bring their culture with them. The police speak of ethno-cultural criminality. The NRW [Nordrhein-Westfalen] State Criminal Office said, verbatim: Patterns of behavior passed on from the countries of origin will continue to live in Germany. – Thus clans arise not as a result of discrimination and marginalization but by means of the accompanying culture. We need to better research this background. You obstinately stand against it  because you simply do not want to acknowledge the reality on our streets, ladies and gentlemen.

And the culture can affect economy and labor market, say experts like Wolfgang Horst Reuther. He was with the United Nations for 38 years, many years as a UNESCO director in Arab countries. There he learned: Behavioral culture and mentality can also limit economic development in the oriental large family culture. Things like loyalty, trustworthiness, and a good working together are mostly only within the family associations; beyond that, it becomes problematic. Trust, team formation, precision work together – in Western firms, taken for granted – are possible only with difficulty. Thus Reuther’s quote also pertains to work cultures: Both worlds are scarcely compatible. – Finally take cognizance of that! Labor market problems need not from the outset be the consequence of discrimination. They could also have a cultural background which we can change only with great difficulty. We need to better research that.  

A similar picture in our schools. Researchers for example posit that students of Vietnamese origin very quickly make the jump to the Gymnasium. 64 percent do that, five times higher than students of Turkish origin – five times higher! In that regard, the migrants start with similar pre-conditions, with even as little knowledge of German, come from similarly modest social classes, and have at the outset a similarly small level of education as do those who are from Turkey. And here it is a matter of the respective education result being based – thus the researcher, word for word – on the distinctive ethno-cultural traditions. – So can all areas of society be gone through.

The world’s most renowned migration researcher, Professor Paul Collier of Oxford University, says, verbatim: There are, as disturbing as this may be, substantial cultural distinctions which shape important aspects of social behaviors and migrants bring this culture with them. – Thus, Collier. And parts of this accompanying culture prevent not only the integration of the emigrants with us. Worse: With persistent mass emigration, they threaten to change our German and European culture, our identity, our cultural self – in a direction which we do not want and which the majority in Germany and Europe do not want, ladies and gentlemen.


[trans: tem]