Monday, June 7, 2021

Dirk Spaniel, May 20, 2021, Individual Transportation

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/230, pp. 29581-29582. 

Many thanks. – Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

At first glance, it reads nicely, what is brought in here as a law from the side of the coalition: The bureaucracy and the various national regulations on tolls shall be unified at the European level, and the whole nicely modern speaks: Digital. So far the theory, irrespective that one can proceed from the experience that the bureaucracy then, when you announce a deconstruction of bureaucracy, in most cases in the end is enlarged.

Here also arise still other questionable side-effects at the EU level. Thus the personal data of those in traffic, together with the EU driver’s license, shall be combined in a data bank for all states. Yet which personal data is that? Is it address, name and date of birth of the driver, or perhaps yet more?

It could already be seen in regards the trucking toll in Germany that a system was established by which all registrations are automatically controlled. In regards considerations of data protection, it was at the time naturally assured that the data would be immediately deleted and there would be no possibility of abuse – other than when for clarification of a violation, a quick look back at the registration plates could help.

We also have a draft law of the Linke. Here, it is about a theme – ever the wishful imagination of the leftist utopists – with the prescription: Back to the Reichsbahn, financed by a pool of an ever fewer number of automobile drivers. You conceal with the formulation: “Dissolution of the roads’ financing cycle” [Aufhebung des Finanzierungskreislaufes Strasse”]. Do you actually  have people who think through to the end your visions?

Here for once it is about: You want in the future to no longer use the levies on those using the roads for the completion and new construction of roads projects. The only thing you still want to do with the revenue is to finance repairs. The rest shall serve the expansion of public transportation.

You are thereby not alone – therefore let me dedicate this theme here to a greater contribution – : Your socialist brothers with skins of green even announce it in their party program.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Absurd!

You are not thereby meant; thereby meant are the colleagues who still somehow continue to sit in the middle. – With new mobility concepts, the Greens want by 2030 to reduce by a third personal and delivery transportation nationwide. Aha. From where then shall the money come for the mobility pass and cost-free ÖPNV [public transportation]? Exactly, out of the purses of the ever fewer automobile drivers. That we cannot allow. That is namely for the greater part the hard-working employees who have been alloted the automobile. With the AfD, these people finally have a voice in this parliament. You can laugh: We want a look at who laughs in the end!

            Stefan Geldhaar (Greens): The worst comedy tonight!

We stand for the retention of affordable automobiles. Affordable individual transportation is the core of a modern free society. When the citizens of this country catch on to what you all are doing with them, then your hype is a thing of the past; that I can guarantee you.

We will abstain from the coalition’s draft law. The draft law of the Linke – as was said: Even in spirit, the Greens’ program we will reject.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]