Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Rainer Kraft, May 21, 2021, Environmental Protection and Prosperity

German Bundestag, May 21, 2021, Plenarprotokoll 19/231, p. 29705.

Esteemed President. Worthy colleagues.

First to Herr Mindrup and to Frau Weisberger: Your assertion that renewable energies are surely much cheaper than fossil energies is caught out as a lie by a glance at any electricity bill of citizen or business in Germany.

            Anja Weisberger (CDU/CSU): Photovoltaic is much cheaper. That is the facts!

The Green Deal, as proclaimed by Frau von der Leyen, feeds on at least 2.6 trillion euros in the coming ten years. If I stack that up as 1 euro coins, I have twenty towers from here to the moon. And this is only the prelude to the complete social transformation disguised as the Great Reset. The initiators assert to be securing the future of coming generations. Precisely the opposite is nevertheless the case. The annihilation of value for an ideologically driven, planned economy represents a social regression, a breakdown of civilization.

            Lorenz Gösta Beutin (Linke): Stop with the conspiracy garbage!

Your representation of a worldwide transformation in the coming 25 years is an inhuman social experiment at the cost of coming generations.

You believe to have noticed a defect in our developed society. At the same time, this society is the best we have. This society by means of its progress and technology has made possible the rapid growth to almost 8 billion people. By means of technology and energy, the people draw together and are in a position to achieve prosperity for themselves. With your policy, you want to end all of this. For a new, eco-socialist dystopia, you have as a goal the destruction of the social foundation upon which humanity grows and flourishes.

Our society, as it is, as a result of effort and error by the billions in the everyday life of the people, has grown into the civilization which we have today. It is not perfect; yet it is the best we have. This evolutionary development of mankind you now want to replace with an eco-socialist, drawing-board society, thought up in the ivory towers of alien [lebensferner], ideological Luddites.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Is there something besides ideological words?

Yet at the same time one question is certainly not considered; that your transformation is based on compulsion and slavery: What happens with those who resist this compulsion, who do not want to let their basic rights be taken from them for an obscure climate hypothesis? Will these then be socially outlawed like all the critics who contradict the Corona preventive measures? Is it desired to circumscribe their basic rights, like that of those who stand critically opposed to an immunization with a half-baked vaccine? Or yet in the end does the climate Gulag threaten these people?

            Lorenz Gösta Beutin (Linke): An unequalled trivialization!

The solution is at the same time simple, and it goes without compulsion. The solution is called energetic development. A small and wavering energy supply does not lead us to the goal, but an intensification of reliable energy of good value. This then leads to that mankind can realize your Utopia – a greening of wasteland, a diversification of cultivated agricultural acreage for the fight against hunger and poverty. If one nevertheless follows your dogmatic way to an economy of scarcity and renunciation – you have often said that is what you want – then the fate of the living is unknown and the future of coming generations appears dark.

To simply live free, yet normal.


[trans: tem]