Monday, June 28, 2021

Michael Espendiller, June 11, 2021, Research in Germany

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/234, pp. 30277-30278.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable colleagues. Dear spectators in the hall and on YouTube.

Distinction and distress [Glanz und Elend] are nowhere so near one another as in the German research policy; for despite all the warning cries, one thing is ever still the case: We have in this country the world’s smartest thinkers. The scientific performances of our researchers are brilliant and move at the top level.

When these abilities and our research success are considered, it could be thought we are headed towards a brilliant future. Yet that unfortunately in not the case. For our hard-earned research achievements are frequently commercialized in other places, in foreign countries. It appears as if we ever still had a strong push for knowledge and a formative culture of preciseness, yet nevertheless lack the entrepreneurial spirit. In the Education and Research Committee in this electoral period, we have often spoken of the transfer of research results to future-oriented and marketable products; yet we have not thus progressed. That principally lies in a central false conception which is also inherent in all of the FDP’s motions submitted here today. And I thereby indeed do mean the heresies of a kind of scientific planned economy which all parties here, other than the AfD, are cultivating.

Let us look at which barrel-busters the old parties have thus proposed and pushed: There is the Agency for Launch Innovations [Sprunginnovationen], highly valued by the Federal government. This agency shall decide which research projects shall be promoted and pushed to marketable products. There thus sits a body of ten people who blithely toss out the window the money of our taxpayers, and indeed 100 million euros each year. You inquire of the consequences? Hitherto, nothing. This agency can thus on good authority be designated as a true money burning machine.

And otherwise? The FDP unconditionally wants its German transfer community. What now is that again? The magenta socialists want to create a super-bureaucratic authority which publishes and supervises a kind of 5-year-plan for the production of innovations.

            Anna Christmann (Greens): You have no idea!

And that is also the reason why I always call you magenta socialists, dear colleagues: You – and in this legislative period, you have sufficiently shown it – are socialists painted pink. More still: Instead of promoting and without compromise carrying through scientific excellence, you are still lapsing into the delusion of placing above all else gender justice and higher quotas of diversity. If you wanted more spin-offs, these quotas do not help. They only hinder.

Yet it is the same whether we here speak of spin-offs, of the quality of scientific teaching, of declining standards in the area of education in the schools, or of the unfortunately inconsequential long-term project for MINT [Math-Informatik-Naturwissenschaften-Technik] education. You all talk, talk, talk, yet you achieve nothing. Whereby: That is now not quite fair; since you in the meantime have managed to bury freedom of research in Germany and, quite along with that, you have also flattened future-oriented research in nuclear energy.

You fight with an absolute bitterness for quotas instead of quality and it no longer strikes you how you thereby are ever more accelerating the downfall of this country. You ignore what brings success in favor of climate catastrophes and cheap speeches for ostensibly disadvantaged, daily changing groups of victims.

Yet there is also another way. You want spin-offs and entrepreneurial spirit? Then cease getting on the people’s nerves with your unrealistic motions and initiatives! Stop the quotas madness and again make room for authentic scientific brilliance! Then your longed-for top researchers will no more emigrate to foreign countries.

            Petra Sitte (Linke): It is an impudence to insinuate that women cannot perform!

I have not asserted that. In Berlin, there was a mathematics professor who was not accepted because he was a man; who now is a top researcher in a foreign country.

            Petra Sitte (Linke): Yes, yes!

That is the effect of your quotas and that we plainly do not want.

Dismantle the bureaucratic hurdles and cease leading on and pestering the research institutions; for you do not know better than our scientists and researchers. Thus, all of you simply get out of the way of those who are able and want to achieve something. All would thereby be aided.

At this place, I want to thank you as always for your attention. – I nevertheless also want to let loose one very important matter: Georg Thiel is for 106 days in custody on account of an unpaid broadcast contribution. That is absolutely disproportionate. Therefore, let free Georg Thiel, Herr Buhrow!


            Oliver Kaczmarek (SPD): Sad, sad!


[trans: tem]