Showing posts with label Berengar Elsner von Gronow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Berengar Elsner von Gronow. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Berengar Elsner von Gronow, May 20, 2021, Security Clearance for Soldiers

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/230, p. 29537.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

“The Bundeswehr has an attitude problem [Haltungsproblem].” The former Defense Minister inadmissibly attested to that in the year 2017, and that resounds in this draft law. One’s own government increasingly distrusts its own public servants and its citizens. I had believed that we learned from the era of 20th Century German surveillance states, that we had overcome this and would not so repeat ourselves. Yet the present Corona policy sadly shows us how quickly government and organs of the state are ready to restrict freedom and data protection in favor of an ostensible security. We of the AfD do not accept this and, fortunately, are ever more people in this country with us.

            Thomas Hitschler (SPD): But the surveys say otherwise!

The Military Counterintelligence Service just recently categorized 1,200 reservists as right-radical, without having made those affected aware of that. Where then shall it lead if today to go on reading an article in the “Junge Freiheit”, or to visit a rowdy student union, suffices to be categorized as “right-radical”? At least member Sensburg, CDU, who is not only a reserve staff officer and a law professor but also president of the reservists association, has sounded the alarm on this. I cite: “Not a single one of these cases would stand up to a legal examination.” Yet it is not just about this. It already suffices in our country to be designated and disavowed as “right-radical” when someone even only does not support hypotheses of leftist opinion. That is typical of a political denunciation state as we know it from totalitarian systems. That however may never be allowed to again become a standard in Germany. I am anxious as to whether Professor Sensburg will achieve something or whether he was already from within the party ordered back, since the once conservative CDU long since prepares to conclude a new union with the leftists, only in the future painted green.

The Bundeswehr and even the KSK [special forces commando] on the whole do not have an attitude but even so a leadership problem. It is not wholly about belittling or dismissing lapses of individual soldiers. But this increasing distrust by the state vis-à-vis its citizens, especially those in uniform, is a quite bad development in our country. If my criticism of that in committee is made fun of by the SPD…I can only say: I gladly accept that; since it shows that the AfD is the only remaining party which is believably and seriously committed to the freedom of our citizens. This may also be seen in that the public hearing which I demanded was rejected with statements like: “Despite all justified criticism, we will vote for this law” from all other parties, even the conformists [Scheinfreiheitlichen] of the FDP. I hope the citizens know the value of that. Thus is made no believable politics of freedom.

            Tobias Pflüger (Linke): Such nonsense!

Many thanks.



[trans: tem]


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Berengar Elsner von Gronow, May 19, 2021, Defense Report – Procurement

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/229, pp. 29290-29291.

Today I may for the fourth time speak following the Defense Commissioner’s report, and yearly greets the groundhog. Was that already a reason for interjected bleating?

The report ever again concerns itself with the same themes and similar content, without really being able to recognize more than gradual changes or – and one must be able to expect this – improvements. The Defense Commissioner’s reports, for example, for years deal with the theme of procurement. Since tomorrow I will speak in this connection with our soldiers, let me in an exemplary way concentrate on it here.

As did previously her predecessor, the Defense Commissioner attests that for the Bundeswehr is required more flexibility, more awareness of responsibility, and clearer decisions structures. Frau Minister, you predecessor already took up this theme with the inclusion of legions of consultants. We then needed to prepare and re-work this in the scope of a protracted investigating committee. Today we must confirm that under you this theme unfortunately has still not essentially improved and will not up to the end of the legislative period. What then comes could be still worse.

The Bundeswehr still has in use major equipment the life cycle of which is actually long exceeded and which urgently needs to be replaced with modern systems, those which do not arrive or much too late, as for example the naval long-range reconnaissance or the heavy transport helicopter. Much too frequently, the Bundeswehr needs to pursue a compulsory deficiency management, as in regards the Puma or the armed types of the A400M.

In her report, the Defense Commissioner also states that in the Bundeswehr the need may be great for armed drones and regrets that, after ten years, policy is still discussing this theme, even though a fact-based and transparent debate has already long since taken place. I can only agree that it is nevertheless your SPD which forbids the urgently required protection of our soldiers.

Let us also speak of a lack of protection in connection with our alliance obligations, especially in regards the VJTF [Very High Readiness Joint Task Force]. After the year 2012, as the thereto well drawn up Army air defense was without real necessity dissolved and the remainder with little sense transferred to the Luftwaffe, there opened up a considerable capability gap in the protection of armored and non-armored forces. How then, for instance in a scenario of an alliance defense of the Baltic states, shall be guaranteed the protection of German forces which in case of ground movement therein will be attacked from the air?

Instead of seeking pragmatic initiatives for the solution, like the transfer of the capabilities from the Luftwaffe back to the Army, along with reconstruction of the service branch out of the available strength of personnel and material, plus a completion with modern follow-on systems, the Luftwaffe and the Army indulge in competence wranglings and bombastic definitions. Beyond that, the last available air defense tanks, along with accessories and munitions, are sold to a third state outside of NATO. These shall be lessons from the year 2014?

That in such a scenario armed drones would also be thoroughly helpful is for anyone comprehensible and clear. Lately, the conflict between Azerbaidjan and Armenia has now shown how badly stand army units without air defense, here especially against drones, and without their own armed drones. Endless, academically-led discussions on the ethics of arming drones are unrealistic and proceed at the cost of our soldiers.

In conclusion for this report: For me, there is lacking words of warning concerning the future of our armed forces. In the area of the evident economic consequences of the lockdowns and the budgetary cuts proceeding therefrom, I would have wished a clear statement that the so urgently required procurement measures need nevertheless be realized. And where that does not go, we need to be honest and admit that. Better an end without fear than a fear without end.

Frau Minister, please finally do right by the responsibility entrusted to you, assert yourself in cabinet, and make our armed forces functional and effective for the defense of the country and the alliance.

Hearty thanks.



[trans: tem]