Sunday, January 24, 2021

Martin Hess, January 14, 2021, Preventive Custody

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/204, pp. 25630-25632.

Colleague Frei, permit me a prior remark: Deportations produce nothing so long as our borders are not effectively defended.

Right honorable Herr President. Honored colleagues.

Ten weeks ago, a wave of Islamist terror rolled through Germany and Europe and claimed numerous fatalities. Our delegation then offered this motion [Drucksache 19/23951] to take into preventive custody all Islamists posing a threat [Gefährder] who were not to be deported or who were subject to deportation. Against this you displayed your usual perplexity rhetoric, yet you did not act. Precisely this the citizens of this country no longer accept. They want a government which finally acts instead of only speaking. We demand precisely this with our motion [Drucksache 19/25833].

We nevertheless attained with our motion that the Interior Minister pleaded for a deprivation of liberty [Freiheitsentzug] for Gefährder one week later in a video conference with other EU interior ministers. Thanks to the engagement of the Federal Criminal Office, there shall soon be a unified, Europe-wide definition of Gefährder and those Gefährder shall then also be included in the Schengen information system. Precisely this is long overdue and precisely this I had already demanded in this house on May 17, 2019. It is nice to see that the AfD works.

Unfortunately we cannot secure with sufficient strength from the opposition that the war on Islamist terror is finally to be won. Herr Minister – this I must say clearly – you do not do it or do not want to; the last months’ experiences have shown that to us. You indeed had brought our central demand, nationwide preventive custody, into the interior ministers’ conference, yet you there obtained no concrete solutions. The conference’s conclusions clearly indicate that. You and your colleagues of AK II –that is, work circle II – in fact issued the order to examine the preventive custody demanded by us. From the protocol notice, however, it is to be inferred that you and some of your colleagues wish to again shift this responsibility back to the countries. Herr Frei, we nevertheless know that thus the custody can never be implemented.The splintering of police law would further increase. Left-green-red interior ministers would prevent the implementation of custody and the Gefährder would remain at large and could continue to pursue unhindered the plans of attack. That, Herr Minister, is not just incomprehensible, that is inexcusable and unacceptable.

The CSU in all seriousness now demands the employment of ankle bracelets so as to prevent attacks. The ankle bracelets, which besides have not been of use for years, shall thus be the solution. They do improve to a maximum the surveillance yield in regards the movements picture or to contact persons, yet at no time does the ankle bracelet prevent even just one attack, because the Gefährder can continue to move about unhindered. Therefore stop constantly selling the ankle bracelet as a solution. It is not a solution and it will never be a solution.

You of the CSU then even demand the preventive detention. Dear colleagues of the CSU, the term “Gefährder” comes from Gefahr [danger]. A threatening danger is not fought by waiting until someone commits a criminal act with which he presents evidence of his Gefahrlichkeit so that he is to be taken into preventive detention. Who in regards the fight against Gefährder waits until a criminal act, he disregards exactly those same Gefährder who so far have not appeared to be criminal. We must act before it comes to criminal acts, dear colleagues. Therefore, this proposal also by far does not suffice. And stop constantly throwing sand in the eyes of the citizens.

We all know that since September 11, 2001, at the latest which challenges Islamist terror presents to us. Despite that, your parties, this government, have undertaken nothing effective. On the contrary: You have continued with your policy of open borders – we are again on point, Herr Frei –and allowed terrorists and Gefährder in great numbers into our country. One of them, Anis Amri, committed the terror attack on the Christmas market on the Breitscheid Platz in 2016 and murdered eleven persons. An additional Gefährder murdered a man with a knife attack just last October in Dresden. These assaults would have been able to be prevented if this government would have moved timely, effective measures to fight terror.

There cannot be two opinions on the present state of the Islamist danger. We in Germany presently have over 28,000 Islamists, 12,500 Salafists – that is an increase of 87 percent since 2014 – and 619 Islamist Gefährder. I must correct you, Herr Frei: Only 242 of these Gefährder are at large. According to Europol, we in Europe between 2007 and 2014 had 16 terror attacks with 8 deaths, thus one terror fatality per year. This has gravely changed: Between 2015 and 2019, it was 94 terror attacks with 374 deaths, that is 74 terror fatalities per year. And the Rizin attack in Cologne would have produced 13,500 fatalities and even so many wounded if our security authorities had not prevented this attack in time. I therefore appeal to you with all emphasis: Finally implement this Federal custody of Gefährder before it again comes to a deadly terror attack in Germany.

            Thorsten Frei (CDU/CSU): Yes, but that cannot be.

The BKA president in 2015 clearly said it is impossible to completely control all Islamist Gefährder and the number then was only half so high. The president of the Saxon Constitution Defense after the attack in Dresden clearly and distinctly stated that even a complete control does not prevent an attack. Despite that, you stick your head in the sand.

Stop this ostrich policy! We all here in this sovereign house are obligated to the best defense of our citizens. Finally fulfill this obligation. What we now require are concrete measures instead of endless discussions and examination orders.

Our motion serves precisely this. Finally let acts follow your words. Do not deny to our people these long overdue defensive measures and vote for this motion.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]