Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Alexander Gauland, January 12, 2021, Corona and Elections

AfD Kompakt, January 12, 2021

If, as expected, those in government do not disavow their false premises in dealing with Corona, then we will experience a continuation of the lockdown until Sankt-Nimmerleins-Tag. The effects are now catastrophic and will become still worse.

It is no wonder that the responsible politicians would gladly exclude this entire set of topics from the election campaign. Yet with exactly this infamous demand, they cannot and will not succeed.

The Corona crisis, and the state’s preventative measures causing it, are by far today’s most important topic. In dealing with it, those in government have failed at all levels. As the largest and only authentic opposition, we have the democratic duty to point that out and to indicate alternatives. We intend to continue to fulfill this duty, even when it does not suit the government politicians.


[trans: tem]