Friday, January 15, 2021

Christian Wirth, January 13, 2021, Stored Data Information

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/203, pp. 25547-25548.

Frau President. Esteemed colleagues.

Right honorable government delegations, we do not trust you. We do not trust you because you yet again have written and, with your majorities, forced through a draft law for which your ears were boxed by the courts – yet again.  That your own people are too incompetent to submit a draft law is not to be wondered at. Yet that for all the expensive consultants the well-invested business donations do not suffice so as to merely read superficial corrections is really amazing. Not once have you let yourselves be impressed by the Bundestag’s scientific service.

We do not trust you; since it is not a single incident. The Federal government’s wild and roundhouse blow in Corona matters and its implementation in the states have been so often dismissed and criticized by jurists and courts at all levels that it can scarcely still be accounted for. Even in a time when you can securely be a parliamentary majority, you have renounced the possibility of the most fundamental parliamentary participation in the Corona preventative measures. Herr Maas now even has the impudence to offer to other governments a “Marshall Plan for Democracy”. That is really a vicarious embarrassment.

We do not trust you because you from Day One have used every weapon at your disposal, at every level, so as to damage the only opposition party in the Bundestag. No statement from you was too embarrassing, no paragraph too obscure; and where officials true to their conscience stood in your way, they were hunted from office by autocratic methods.  

We do not trust you because, despite all the corrections started here, you further correct only the absolute minimum required so as to fulfill the principles of the Federal Constitutional Court. You continually ignore the unanimous criticism of all affected citizens, associations and businesses outside your own parties.

We do not trust you because, instead of a concrete, court-ordered and -required insight into the data of criminals and terrorists, you want passwords as pass codes for a privileged number of platforms, because you continue to ignore that there is only one technical possibility to in any way enable your required password disclosure, namely storage by the provider of passwords in unencoded clear text. A gift for hackers and foreign services.

We do not trust you because, by means of NGOs fed on tax money, you have upheld that gift from the gods, “Hate and Incitement”, so as to toss legitimate criticism of government into a common pot with a repugnant contempt for humanity. With the law on hate crimes, you have given criminal law, and with it sovereign right, into the hands of American concerns and thereby created a new right of occupation. True to Erich Mielke’s “Comrades, we must know all!”, your first reaction to criticism of government is first for once to find out who has the audacity of his own opinion. The disclosure of IP addresses and port numbers is Step One to repression.

We do not trust you because, especially in this legislative period, you have demonstrated that you want another Germany, with full control of political opinion and without disturbing parliaments and constitutional courts. Yet we therefore also do not trust because no government should have such full powers, even if led by the AfD. That you want these full powers is alone reason enough that you ought not to have them. We will not thereby help you to legitimate your attack on the free internet with the here put forward fig leaf.

Many thanks.



[trans: tem]