Saturday, January 2, 2021

Jörg Meuthen, December 16, 2020, EU Council

European Parliament, Brussels, P9 CRE-PROV (2020) 12-16 (3-034-0000).

Frau President, honorable colleagues.

The German Chancellor, following last week’s EU Council summit, proudly said that it was worth it not to sleep. Looking at the results of that shameful night, I can only call out to her: “Frau Merkel, it would be better if you had gone to bed early!”

The states of Europe suffer under the pandemic, yet at least as much so under, in many places, a catastrophic crisis management. Europe’s economy groans. Millions of workplaces are acutely endangered or already lost. Yet for that the heads of government have no other answer than to indiscriminately squander the taxpayers’ money – as always. Does then anyone seriously believe that the unbelievable 1.8 trillion euros of the MFR and building plan – this never hitherto known redistribution orgy – can in any way ameliorate this crisis?  

Nationalization and socialism were never yet a practical solution and this debt socialism will be just as little so. I most deeply regret that the EU, with a foul compromise, has nevertheless succeeded in wringing from Poland and Hungary a yes to this false way. With the so-called state of law mechanism, the EU centralists thus now have the ultimate instrument to bring to course, with harsh penalties, all those who do not share the left-green agenda of Brussels.

Concern yourself, dear Herr Roth, just for once with the state of law in Germany, before you reprimand Hungary and Poland – there would be something to do. And trouble yourself, Frau von der Leyen, perhaps just once for adherence to the European Treaty. I refer here especially to Article 125, AEUV.

And as if all that was not bad enough, the summit forces on Europeans new, completely absurd climate goals until the year 2030. Basically, the de-industrialization of Europe was decided on at the summit. Certainly in Germany, that very soon will become very noticeable. The winners will be the United States and, before all, China. Know that it was for the heads of state and government perhaps one sleepless night; yet millions of Europeans, who more than ever must fear for their future, their livelihood in the face of these disastrous decisions, stand before many a sleepless night.


[trans: tem]