Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Martina Jost, December 16, 2020, State Grants to Youth Groups

Saxon Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 7/19, pp. 1255-1256.

Frau President.

I here very much beg your pardon. I have not done that with the intention which could now be imputed to me. Perhaps I am a bit agitated by this motion, since it is about, right honorable ladies and gentlemen, our motion [Drucksache 7/3803] by which we would like to end the financial promotion of the associations of the Ring politischer Jugend [RPJ], Saxony, by the means of the Free State.

An important hallmark of democracy, besides the separation of powers and constitutionality, is also the acceptance of a political opposition. We are thereby already at the decisive point. The  RPJ, Saxony, apparently cannot have much to do with an opposition party unless its direction goes quite hard to the left. Although in the articles of association it is laid down that association members are political youth organizations which are represented in the Bundestag and the Saxon Landtag, it obstinately denies membership to the Junge Alternative, Saxony. The Junge Liberalen, although they do not fulfill these criteria, are a member.

Ladies and gentlemen, a parliamentary democracy’s ability to function rests on the confrontation of government delegation and opposition delegation. Only so can a parliamentary informed will follow from and represent the people’s will; and our young people should learn that.

If we now look at the internet site of the RPJ, Saxony, – comically, there is to be read there in recent days nothing more at all other than one statement – then we can read that the Ring politischer Jugend has joined together to promote a common political formation of youth, to oppose anti-democratic influences among the youth, and to prevent the idealism of young people from being abused for political extremism.

That very well sounds worth striving for. The AfD in good conscience can also underline that. The AfD’s youth organization, as per a resolution of the board, was not admitted. That is, as indicated by the government’s answer, formally legal and not actionable. A glance at the program, however, plainly shows the direction. There we have the fight against the rightists [Kampf gegen rechts]. Never has anyone yet accurately defined these “rightists”, which actually should be.

            Valentin Lippmann (Greens): The rightist is where the thumb is on the left!

The events also say so. What is in the content of the programs must be looked at: Anti-feminism and the appropriation of feminist arguments of the rightists. That is a promoted program of the Grünen Jugend.

The glance into the events program discloses the intent which lies behind such activities. Representatives of the AfD seek in current campaigns to win over women as a political power for their forces. I must say, that is political work, ladies and gentlemen, to interest people in oneself and one’s ideas. Yet that is not enough. The whole will be financed from the tax jar and by the Saxon government by way of the RPJ detour. I see herein a clear violation of the constitutional precept of state neutrality. Beyond narrow constitutional limits, it is forbidden to the state to directly or indirectly honor or sanction expressions of political opinion and other peaceful political activities.

Among others, this neutrality precept finds expression in a generally acknowledged principle of equal opportunity of the parties. This principle serves the assurance of the formation of a political will. The state may not falsify the there pre-existing competitive situation. I can more correctly formulate it: Behind the RPJ stand all the parties.

I see clearly that you are pleased by and with this program. With the promotion of the RPJ, Saxony, these parties naturally obtain state means for the influencing of political competition. That serves one purpose, to make the AfD as small as possible and thereby get rid of an opposition party.

That, ladies and gentlemen, I call anti-democratic. The financing of the RPJ is only one, small building stone in the area of a widely laid out propaganda which shall facilitate the governing parties power and naturally has the goal of defaming the AfD.

We today take up the example of the RPJ, Saxony, to order a halt to this unconstitutional practice. The state promotion of the RPJ, Saxony, presents a striking violation of the constitutional principle of state neutrality. Ladies and gentlemen, commit yourselves in common with us to the implementation of constitutional guidelines, and vote for our motion.



[trans: tem]