Saturday, January 9, 2021

Katrin Ebner-Steiner, January 6, 2021, Bavaria and Vaccination

AfD Kompakt, January 6, 2021

Söder once again removes himself from the firing line of criticism and presents Melanie Huml as a sacrificial pawn.

Just as he had done in the summer in regards the testing failures when he then left Health Minister Huml to step alone in front of the cameras, he now leaves Huml to fall completely so as to push from himself the failures related to the grandly announced vaccinations.

The lack of orientation and planning of the State government which, like Merkel, knows no other way than to pursue the disproportionate and ineffective lockdown, shall be concealed with chess maneuvers of personnel.

The principal problem is not the helpless ministers in the focal Ministries like Health and Education, but an autocratic and power-obsessed Minister-president who, without a reasonable strategy and utterly detached from reality, leaves his Minister to march to the fight accompanied by failures and defeats.

Bavaria’s former leading role in Germany now under Söder suffers from faulty structures, obsolete technology and software, as well as unsynchronized procedures. This is truly an unworthy role for Bavaria.

The assumption of responsibility appears otherwise; since these present cosmetic interventions will alter nothing in the defective basic performance.


[trans: tem]