Monday, January 4, 2021

Katrin Ebner-Steiner, December 15, 2020, Pandemic

Bavarian Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 18/67, pp. 33-35.

Dear citizens, Herr President, right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Herr Söder, we are the voice of the Bavarian citizens who have not been in agreement with your Corona policy.

Among these are many CSU members and voters who presently turn away from your party; since you in this pandemic have definitely lost control; control over a moderate analysis, control over the course of this so-called pandemic, control over reality. On that account, you now require a big diversionary manoeuvre: The second lockdown. It simulates resolution and an ability to act, at the same time it is primarily a testimony of a lack of planning and loss of control and even of helplessness.

You have squandered sums in the millions for senseless mass tests – money which would have been better expended on protection of at-risk groups. My grandmother of more than 90 years and all at-risk patients here in Bavaria wait at home for the pretentiously promised FFP2 masks.

            Thomas Kreuzer (CSU): Then drop one off, Frau Ebner-Steiner!

A greater part of those people simply do not live in old-age or care homes.These people were by you left alone at home with the risk of infection and, in the truest sense of the word, left behind. Not every grandmother and not every grandfather has a caring granddaughter; and we must also be there for them, Herr Kreuzer.

I know many women in the city and country who must survive on a pension of 450 euros. The average pension of women in Germany amounts to exactly 711 euros; with that, an FFP2 mask cannot be purchased every day. Many of these women have raised children; they have built this country; they deserve to be treated with respect.

Herr Söder, you speak of empathy and sympathy, yet your actions speak a different language. To this day, you have undertaken nothing to systematically and actually protect our seniors. You now stumble from one lockdown to the next, always of the same primitive design: Forbid, forbid and yet again forbid …Your entire Corona policy is based on the foundation of a dubious testing policy.

In the medical sense is to be distinguished between infection and colonization. Not every micro-organism detected by means of a PCR test also indicates an infection. I want to give you an example: In the human body there is a whole series of defensive barriers against micro-organisms, and only when these barriers are overcome, as in tonsillitis, is there an infection present. The PCR test alone is not proof of an infection. Exactly that is in the package insert of this test.

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen, it is high time to scrutinize your Corona policy’s basis of decision and the preventative measures resulting therefrom.

Herr Söder, your ministers and members have recently shown in the Landtag restaurant what they think of your Corona preventative measures. Ministers Sibler and Schreyer sat with three other CSU members and thus five were at one table. That was an inexcusable violation of the contact limitations. You preach water and drink wine. That is political hypocrisy.

Dear esteemed Herr colleague Kreuzer, mind your own business, instead of continually thrashing the AfD. Do your household chores. As before, you give a wide berth to the making of a long-term strategy. Instead, you now completely confine us citizens. Reasonable, rational analysis is plainly not the State government’s thing. You lack every understanding of the countless livelihoods which you have annihilated, of the businesses which you drive to ruin. Here also I readily give you an example: My good friend of many years must at the end of the year give up her clothing store which she has run successfully for over 25 years. As a single mother with two children, she really has the test of a lifetime. Yet your preventative measures have irretrievably withdrawn from her the foundation of a lifetime.

It is thus so that not everyone can earn money with a face shield. The citizens’ discontent with the so-called Corona preventative measures is as great as never before, primarily amongst the young people. Meanwhile, almost two-thirds deny support to the government. The receipt you receive in the streets, since from this loss of reality follows the loss of the trust of we citizens. Herr Söder, before all, no one wants to listen to you. Your continual angst propaganda, your endurance talks; ever fewer citizens believe you.

Before all, you are afraid to tell the citizens the bare truth. You must say to them: Hitherto, the measures simply have not worked. The billions were uselessly wasted and many livelihoods were ruined – yet you prefer to further deceive the people. There was from the beginning one thing that ought to have been done; namely, to close the borders and to offer tests; yet for the migrants, the borders stood and stand wide open.

But I also must ask the other opposition parties: Why was our constructive proposal thrown out as a whole?

We had demanded an investigating committee, and primarily put forward the institution of a commission of inquest with proven experts. Bavaria would thereby be able to be made crisis-proof.

We risk much with your Corona and lockdown policy. It is about our economic future, our common life, our free society.

Here in parliament you squeeze the tear ducts and yourselves act cold as ice. After all the exertions of the last weeks and months, you now also destroy even the Christmas business which for some can amount up to 50% of a year’s revenues. For example, in the ski business. Herr Söder, you now also close the ski areas in an autocratic manner, because skiing is simply not beloved by Crown Prince Marcus. Now we roll into a gigantic wave of bankruptcy.

It is similarly bad in the hotel and restaurant business and in numerous other branches. Yet you set the crown on the whole; for from you the potent and patronizingly promised assistance does not at all arrive at the firms, or too late or not in sufficient quantity, as has been ascertained by the president of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Gabriel Felbermayr. Small and mid-sized operations were sacrificed to your obtuseness and desire for recognition, and only a few global great concerns profit from your clear cutting policy, while many people in this country no more know how they shall continue financially. That is your sad balance, Herr Söder.

Allow the people to again do their work in a regime of sensible hygiene measures. Permit to retail trade, schools and kindergartens their regular operation again and finally re-open the hotels and restaurants. And before all: Immediately stop all planning which upsets the population and allows hasty vaccination, until the risks and side-effects of vaccination are known and the question of liability for vaccination damages is clarified! The people of Bavaria are not your test rabbits! It is here about people’s lives, and not about, by means of mass testing, diverting from the failures of the previous Corona policy.

May God protect the Bavarian citizens and our land.


[trans: tem]