Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Thomas Ehrhorn, December 5, 2024, Combustion Engine and CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/203, pp. 26313-26314. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Those who are committed not without ifs and buts to the continuation of the combustion engine have quite obviously taken leave of all principles of the free market economy. They are the true gravediggers of our erstwhile healthy economy. Who asks, How do the saboteurs of German prosperity appear?, to them I need say: Look around you, they sit everywhere. 

Canan Bayram (Greens): Primarily with you!

They sit on the government bench, they of course sit in the chair of Frau von der Leyen currently under suspicion of corruption in Brussels, and they sit in the ranks of the CDU/CSU with their firewall fetish, who in the future will well represent the interests of BlackRock rather than the interests of  our own country. 

            Michael Roth (CDU/CSU): Just speak for Russia!

In any case, it should be clear that it is also and particularly the CDU/CSU which unperturbed holds fast to the policy of harm for our people. And so the here presented motion of the CDU/CSU is nothing other than the shabby attempt of political con men and fraudsters to give rise to the impression that one still supposedly wants to maintain the combustion engine. Thus is presented to us the idea of creating a new class of vehicles which operates with climate-friendly e-fuels, and which shall technically exclude the use of conventional fuels. Yet from where the new fuel shall come in sufficient quantity, the ladies and gentlemen of the CDU/CSU themselves obviously do not know. The only thing which occurs to them is to demand a new strategy to somehow accelerate the market launch. OK. 

Against the step-by-step transfer to e-fuels, if there were then affordable prices, would basically nothing be opposed. Yet so long as there is not, an operation of combustion engines with conventional fuels would self-evidently need to continue to be possible. Yet precisely that will be technically prevented, as is quite well known, with the new e-fuels only class. And you quite precisely know that. Nevertheless, we will vote for your motion on account of a few correct approaches in your most disingenuous paper. Who however wants to read a clearly formulated acknowledgment of the combustion engine, finds that exclusively in a motion of the AfD – as usual. Therefore I say: Who votes CDU, votes for the decline of the the auto industry. Who votes Merz, votes for BlackRock. Only who votes AfD, votes for a better future. 

            Michael Roth (CDU/CSU): …votes for Russia!

Many thanks. 


[trans: tem]