Showing posts with label Thomas Ehrhorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Ehrhorn. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Thomas Ehrhorn, December 5, 2024, Combustion Engine and CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/203, pp. 26313-26314. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Those who are committed not without ifs and buts to the continuation of the combustion engine have quite obviously taken leave of all principles of the free market economy. They are the true gravediggers of our erstwhile healthy economy. Who asks, How do the saboteurs of German prosperity appear?, to them I need say: Look around you, they sit everywhere. 

Canan Bayram (Greens): Primarily with you!

They sit on the government bench, they of course sit in the chair of Frau von der Leyen currently under suspicion of corruption in Brussels, and they sit in the ranks of the CDU/CSU with their firewall fetish, who in the future will well represent the interests of BlackRock rather than the interests of  our own country. 

            Michael Roth (CDU/CSU): Just speak for Russia!

In any case, it should be clear that it is also and particularly the CDU/CSU which unperturbed holds fast to the policy of harm for our people. And so the here presented motion of the CDU/CSU is nothing other than the shabby attempt of political con men and fraudsters to give rise to the impression that one still supposedly wants to maintain the combustion engine. Thus is presented to us the idea of creating a new class of vehicles which operates with climate-friendly e-fuels, and which shall technically exclude the use of conventional fuels. Yet from where the new fuel shall come in sufficient quantity, the ladies and gentlemen of the CDU/CSU themselves obviously do not know. The only thing which occurs to them is to demand a new strategy to somehow accelerate the market launch. OK. 

Against the step-by-step transfer to e-fuels, if there were then affordable prices, would basically nothing be opposed. Yet so long as there is not, an operation of combustion engines with conventional fuels would self-evidently need to continue to be possible. Yet precisely that will be technically prevented, as is quite well known, with the new e-fuels only class. And you quite precisely know that. Nevertheless, we will vote for your motion on account of a few correct approaches in your most disingenuous paper. Who however wants to read a clearly formulated acknowledgment of the combustion engine, finds that exclusively in a motion of the AfD – as usual. Therefore I say: Who votes CDU, votes for the decline of the the auto industry. Who votes Merz, votes for BlackRock. Only who votes AfD, votes for a better future. 

            Michael Roth (CDU/CSU): …votes for Russia!

Many thanks. 


[trans: tem]

Monday, July 24, 2023

Thomas Ehrhorn, July 6, 2023, War on One’s Own People

German Bundestag, July 6, 2023, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14205-14206. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

The draft law put forward deals primarily with the acceleration of the approval procedures for windpower installations and facilities for production of so-called green hydrogen. So as to forestall the same: The speeches on green hydrogen, this alleged wonder technology of the future, which in reality is a stillbirth, is an additional green chimera. Yet this is marginal. 

How shall permitting procedures now be thus accelerated? The answer reads: a) While almost all possibilities of protest and influence are taken from the public, b) while the States’ power of decision is undermined, c) while examinations of environmental compatibility are simply abolished, d) so that in the future protection of species and agriculture no more play a role. But anyway – the main thing is, Germany saves the world climate! 

How absurd this supposition in fact is, the following figures show: Germany, which has a two percent portion of worldwide CO2 emissions, has since 1990 cut back some one-third of its emissions. The rest of the world, which is responsible for 98 percent of CO2 output, has in the same time increased its CO2 emissions by two-thirds. In other words: What we in Germany do or allow is absolutely irrelevant for the world climate. 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): That is an absurd theory!

The ideologically motivated and artificially generated climate hysteria thus alone serves as a justification for the planned radical change in our society, the radical change into an authoritarian socialist planned economy 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Uijuijui! 

Jan Niclas Gesenhues (Greens): Conspiracy theory! Again a false turn on the internet, or what? 

in which the state prescribes to the people how they are to live, how they are to eat, with what they are to heat. It serves as a justification for the rainbow coalition’s war against our industry, against the automobile, against our private property, a war which meanwhile has become a war of those who govern against one’s own people. 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): That is the wrong word!

And I say to you: The people there outside, they know this and they are fed up with it. 

            Axel Echeverria (SPD): Yes, with you!

Since the only sustainability goal which you are in a position to attain is to drive this country straight into the wall and to annihilate our sustained prosperity. Thus Professor Dr. Knut Löschke, 

            Carsten Träger (SPD): How is he called?

member of the college council of the University of Leipzig and member of the board of trustees of the Max Planck Institute, speaks to the citizens from the deepest soul 

            Petra Sitte (Linke): He is for long no more a member. I have taken care of that!

when he says – I cite with permission of the President: 

I have enough of it…I have a nose full of permanent and ever more religious climate talk, of energy transition fantasies, of electro-auto worship, through horror stories of world downfall scenarios…to world catastrophes. 

I can no more bear the people who daily scream this in microphones and cameras or publish it in newspapers. I suffer first-hand how natural science is made a whore of politics. 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Eijeijei!

Ladies and gentlemen of the CDU/CSU, I can thus give to you just the good advice: Send the firewall fetishists and BlackRock orders-takers as quickly as possible into the wasteland. Become again a party which is ready, in common with the AfD, to turn things upside down 

Daniel Rinkert (SPD): Do you then want to change the Federal Emissions Protection Law? What are your proposals? Of that, nothing is heard!

and to make reason-oriented policy for Germany. If you do not do that, you will, quicker than you suppose, dwindle into meaninglessness. 

Thank you. 


[trans: tem]






Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Thomas Ehrhorn, March 3, 2023, Automobiles

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/89, pp, 10644-10645.

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

 For at least three decades now rages the obstinate – it might be said, hate-filled – struggle of leftist ideologues against the automobile, against one of the greatest achievements of the industrial age. The Euro-7 norm is in that regard only a further piece in the puzzle, the additional chess move in this perfidious game. If it continues to persist in its present form, it means the ultimate end of the combustion engine in Germany and Europe. For the German auto industry, that means the annihilation of from 300,000 to 400,000 workplaces.

Yet ultimately something quite else is hidden behind. It is namely the attempt to force us into a new world order, in which the vehicle in private possession shall no longer be at all in the least possible. “You will own nothing and will be happy”. That is evidently the motto of a self-named, arrogant and unashamed financial elite.

            Markus Hümpfer (SPD): Such an imbecility!

According to the line: Scarcely affordable electro-SUVs for us and for you, rabble, the freight bicycle.

It would have been long since time to solidly defend oneself against this. If a sufficient number of EU countries had managed by today to get underway a subsidiary reprimand, this would perhaps have been a beginning. The immediate vote necessary for that, you, ladies and gentlemen, however once again – it might almost be said, as expected – have gambled and snoozed away. Thus all participating actors in this campaign of destruction attain step by step their goal.

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Alter Schwede!

This then functions for example in the following ways: The World Health Organization (WHO), elected by no one, democratically legitimated by nothing in the world, issues new recommendations for clean air on the basis of indemonstrable hypotheses, naturally – who could be surprised? – with drastically reduced limit values. Shortly thereafter – you can bet on it – the EU Commission then as expected assumes these value limits and makes therefrom obligatory guidelines.

The monitoring stations in our cities, which previously measured and demonstrated an excellent air quality

            Susanne Menge (Greens): That is not at all right!

then naturally present excesses of the permitted values. Like a miracle, overnight is put forward a reason for banning even the cleanest Euro-6 diesel from our cities – an additional, long wished for justification for the already long before determined and aspired to auto-free city.

Exactly so will it be executed: Way above the heads of the citizens, today likely branded by you as a conspiracy theory, tomorrow – this, I guarantee you – the bitter reality in our cities. All of this will be justified by the tales of a green climate sect, by theses which will no longer be questioned by a portion of our population because the left-green media ever again manages to simply exclude from the political discourse thousands of critical voices.  

            Nyke Slawik (Greens): In what parallel world do you live?

Natural climate changes however will meanwhile continue, and indeed with or without our assistance. Yet in that regard we are gambling away our prosperity, our quality of life, and before all things, our freedom. Our predecessors drove with the horse and carriage, we had the automobile, our children and grandchildren will drive with the freight bicycle. Long live the world of red-green progress!

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thomas Ehrhorn, February 20, 2020, EU Action Plan for Disinformation

Thomas Ehrhorn
EU Action Plan for Disinformation
AfD Kompakt, February 20, 2020

[Thomas Ehrhorn is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the western German state of Lower Saxony. He is a pilot. German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) was formerly mayor of Hamburg.]

With the “Action Plan for Disinformation”, EU Commission President von der Leyen placidly pursues the wrong way already driven by the EU. It can be recognized that the Commission does not thereby facilitate free, critical journalism. Rather, the EU is planning “to assist [unter die Arme zu greifen] the quality media” and thereby unashamedly create financial and content dependencies. That is a dangerous intrusion upon freedom of the press. This Action Plan is clearly counter to the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court enjoining the state to a content neutrality duty which forbids differentiation as to opinion content.

It is grotesque to tell tales about “quality content” when what is meant is leftist managed journalism in the tradition of Relotius, Leyendecker and Restle. The manner today by which is demanded, at the shouts of the established parties, an indifferent observation by the Constitution Defense, indicates the collapse of the ostensible “Fourth Estate” which advertises itself as being “independent”. And when the present, big political scandal, which may include the Federal government, namely a possible embezzlement of millions by the current Finance Minister, in the media at best receives a mention in the local Hamburg press in the course of an election campaign, then one can today already surmise how far has progressed the state dependency of the so-called quality media.

[Translated by Todd Martin]