Monday, March 10, 2025

Michael Kaufmann, January 30, 2025, Nuclear Power

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/210. p. 27311. 

Frau President. Honored colleagues. 

Due to the advanced election, the investigating committee did not have the planned time for its work. The result is nevertheless clear: The leadership levels of the participating green ministries set all levers in motion so as to adhere to the disconnection of the nuclear power plants on December 31, 2022. Supply risks were accepted. One did not shrink from confusions and lies and examinations guided by interests. 

            Konstantin von Notz (Green): Such rubbish!

The example of the two stress tests makes this clear. The second stress should have performed a realistic estimate of the energy supply security. Yet what happened? Minister Habeck personally 

            Jacob Blankenburg (SPD): …made the requirements still stronger!

made the guidelines for this analysis. A section leader of the Federal Network Agency informed his co-worker, cite: 

“Please do not attempt to alter anything of Habeck’s guidelines. The study                             serves a political purpose.” 

            Rainer Kraft (AfD): Hear, hear!

Thus it appears. That means nothing other than these opinions are no scientific report, but was a political order job. A green result was needed, thus a scenario in which nuclear power plants are apparently superfluous. 

            Bernhard Herrmann (Greens): That is false!

Facts were distorted, alternative scenarios understated, while risks were intentionally ignored. 

And then came the next act of the drama: As the illusion was no longer to be maintained, because even in the most prettified scenarios load shortfalls of up to twelve hours threatened, the green dogma needed somehow to be saved. Thus was discovered the operating reserve which from the beginning was a fata morgana. Nuclear power plants should be disconnected and then – as required – be again powered up. Nuclear power plants are nevertheless not light switches; they cannot be turned on and off at whim. Every professional knew that. Yet the continued operation somehow needed to be prevented or at least relabeled so that it did not appear to be a crashing defeat for the Greens. 

            Stephan Schmidt (Greens): Who then wrote this speech? Putin himself?

Internal warnings and reconsiderations from the professional level of the ministries were suppressed. Operators of nuclear power plants were put off, while it was publicly so done as if they were guilty of delays. Just as it was clear that Germany without nuclear power plants in winter would suffer supply shortages, Chancellor Scholz needed to intervene in a most personal way. The authoritative decision [Machtwort] – note well, one day after the Green party day – for the continued operation served only the Green face-saving. 

Ladies and gentlemen, this government has played with the energy supply of our country, and we all pay the price for that. 



[trans: tem]