Friday, February 14, 2025

Tino Chrupalla, February 11, 2025, Dismantlement of Germany

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/212, pp. 27669-27671. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

With this plenary debate and with this sitting, we not only close the 20th legislative period of the German Bundestag, after three and a half years we’ve also finally overcome the Ampel experiment. After 16 years of the political standstill and initial dismantlement of Germany under Angela Merkel, since 2021 this coalition has implemented the most truly radical social and economic reconstruction of this country. 

Herr Chancellor, what now do you and your cabinet leave behind? In the election campaign, you want to clarify all of what you have accomplished; that, you’ve clearly done, ja, today in your speech. For our country, it would have been very good had you so self-consciously come forward in the past years as social democratic coalition leader and Federal Chancellor. Then of course the heap of fragments of your policy which you leave behind would be essentially smaller. 

And from the government’s representatives and indeed also from the FDP, Herr Dürr, I am missing a large portion of humility. You act as if you had nothing to do with what you have in fact brought forward. You signed the coalition contract, with all its points, which you and Herr Lindner now criticize. You collaborated. You have broken the back of the skilled trades, of the Mittelstand. You are co-responsible. And today you speak of “truth” and “responsibility”. You will get the receipt at the end of the month in the Bundestag election. I hope your party no longer belongs to this Bundestag. 

Trust in the Politik has sunk. Forty percent of those eligible to vote do not know what they shall vote for. 

            Judith Skudelny (FDP): FDP!

There plainly are still citizens outside the Berlin bubble, and these citizens want to see solutions for the problems. They want that the problems finally be addressed. They also have a claim to that, and for that, all of us in this parliament were elected. 

Yet instead of constructively developing Germany, you mutually obstruct yourselves. While you quarrel, the switches are being flipped for the future of Germany and of Europe, economically and politically. Facts are being made. Our European neighbors invest in research and further development of nuclear power. You meanwhile bring our country back to the pre-industrial age, and hope in wind and sun which, ja, send no invoice. That, we all see. You accept that with Nord Stream our critical infrastructure is destroyed, and you trouble yourself not once for an explanation; it is for you plainly all the same, Herr Merz. What’s more, Herr Habeck explains that Germany is not allowed to be one-sidedly dependent on Russia, while he one-sidedly buys fracking gas from the United States. Ladies and gentlemen, we meanwhile steer back into the Middle Ages. Only now we have wind mills and electro-autos, yet still no network structure or energy storage. 

In your excess zeal, Herr Habeck, together with your colleagues of the green parties, you have best serviced the lobby interests – this was important to you – of the firms and consultants. Nevertheless remain those who fell by the wayside, those who have to pay for these hysterical measures; namely, the citizens, the Mittelstand, the trades. 

We are meanwhile world’s champion of Verbot laws – see the heating law, see combustion engine Verbot – and I do not want to leave here unmentioned the Corona time –  and meanwhile taillight in regards economic growth and leader of the pack in regards state spending.   

For months and years, we of the Alternative für Deutschland were the only opposition in the German Bundestag, the corrective for this Federal government. I personally and my delegation, well before the beginning of this legislature, warned of the de-industrialization of Germany. That was just as well condemned by you, and by the media representatives inclined to you, as a conspiracy theory. 

And where do we stand today? The energy costs and the non-wage labor costs are too high, the bureaucracy is oppressive. For that, however, there is an inferior infrastructure. The Tagesschau yesterday added, cite: Experts had warned for years of a death of industry. And where was the Federal government? You narcissistically rode your hobby horse and played poker with our children’s future. Thus this Ampel government for long no more has a majority in the German people. 

That was also clear following the past plenary week. As a reaction to the horrific murders of children and adults, this Federal government was called upon to finally carry through measures for securing the borders, expulsion of criminals and a tightening up of the right of asylum. Herr Dürr, you have apparently also forgotten that. A quarter of your delegation did not vote for these things – so much for your party and delegation. 

The reactions since then, certainly also that of the Union delegation, speak for themselves. Herr Merz believes to be able to thereby take as his own the migration themes. In common with almost all other parties, the Union now does not tell tales of how security in this country can guaranteed, but of firewalls. That is important to you, that is your most important theme. 

Honored colleagues, you construct a firewall which ostracizes 20 percent of the voters, and 40 percent of the voters in the east. How long do you want to still hold onto this friend-foe model? Herr Merz, you are exactly so a politician of the past as is Olaf Scholz. 

            Julia Klöckner (CDU/CSU): And you were never one!

For us, one thing matters: Patience is the courage of composure [Geduld is der Mut der Gelassenheit]. For reality and actuality [Wirklichkeit], right honorable ladies and gentlemen, will overtake you all. Believe me, you’ve not acted for the welfare of the citizens. And that you at all reconsider domestic security in our country is our success; that is a success of the Alternative für Deutschland. 

We are the only opposition delegation in this house which directs its policy in the interests of Germany without first casting a glance at possible coalition partners, as Herr Merz has done. We will also after the election drive forward the discussion of a good migration policy. 

Basic prerequisites for that are and remain a good relation with as many as possible of all the world’s states, and before all things peace. We need to clearly formulate our interests, which the partners know and are primarily esteemed by us. Enough porcelain has been broken by the values-led Frau Baerbock. That is now at an end. Herr Mützenich, on February 23 the citizens will throw open the door to paradise. Election day is payday, Herr Mützenich. 

One thing is certain – I want to mention this in conclusion: In the year 2025, we no more require an eastern commissioner. The eastern commissioner is called Alternative für Deutschland. 

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]