Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, September 11, 2024, Government without a People

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/184, pp. 23875-23876. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

75 years Basic Law, 75 years German Bundestag – with the attempt of a celebration yesterday – and 75 years Federal Republic of Germany. The year of jubilees following the straining, successful years of construction in west and in east, after years of Cold War, the east-west conflict – and now 35 years after the fall of the Wall, the Ampel Federal government fights only for the hold on power, we again have war in Europe, and the people’s trust in the political leadership sinks incessantly. You can now again say: The AfD only pushes doom-saying and has no concept. – With that however, you would fall short of the necessary self-criticism. For I want to yet again state one thing: For the desolate situation in Germany, you alone on the government bench bear the responsibility. 

For a re-appraisal of the election results, let us take a look at the east of the Republic. In the 35th year after the fall of the Wall, the  portion of the eastern Germans amounts to 19 percent, and the portion of eastern Germans in top positions in business, administration, science and media is presently at 1.7 percent. The economic situation still differs immensely, as well in regards to  pensions and incomes – and for women and men – as in regards investments in the economic area. That the lives of eastern Germans differ from those in the west, we know. Therefore has this Federal government again called upon an eastern commissioner, Herr Schneider. And here I ask myself, Herr Schneider – in this debate, it’s certainly about eastern Germany: What actually do you contribute to this debate? The citizens in the east are continually denigrated, tutored and not taken seriously. Herr Merz thinks more needs be explained in the east than in the west, and he gladly does this. Frau Esken does that every day on the television. You treat the people in the east like difficult to teach citizens, and actually understand nothing. 

The elections in the east thus have shown – and this you really should take seriously – eastern Germany is the thermometer of the Federal Republic. The denigration besides is related to the Green system. Massively punished by the voters in eastern Germany, you overtook not the least responsibility, but denigrate the opposition. Proposals even so as persons and parties are defamed and placed in the extremist corner. You also denigrate the voters and sympathizers. You thereby damage democracy. 

You no longer at all want to take up with or win over the people. What then are your goals? For you, what actually should Germany be in 10, 20 or 50 years? The current legislature still has exactly twelve months. Three-quarters of your time you have consumed so to drive our country into the wall and de-industrialize it with your mal-economic climate change policy. Your overflowing ideology intervenes in everyone’s private sphere, even when it is certainly not wanted. Your policy wants that we should all bathe less, heat less, eat less meat and drive less with combustion autos. 

            Anja Reinalter (Green): Perhaps more education!

You want to regulate with whom we meet – see the Corona times – and what we think. And when we do not obey, we are divided into good and evil. 

Your concept for the budget deficit is non-existent. Despite that, non-work and feedings will be ramped up. I ask myself: Why actually should the citizens still pay for all that? Moreover arrives a zero growth economy and special debts – in regards, named by you, “special assets” – inflation, price increases for consumer goods and for energy; end consumer prices decrease, if at all, slowly. The citizens are bound by contracts, and need for long to bear the high costs. Not to forget: There is an energy deficit as a result of a deficient supply of nuclear energy and advantageous gas from Russia. 

The infrastructure is exhausted for transportation – we’ve seen it early today in Dresden where bridges collapse – for education, for example in regards the lack of teachers, or for the healthcare system. The hospital reform shall be brought underway with all ministerial power, and be borne on the backs of the citizens, the contribution payers. Doctors continue to be missing. Contributions to the statutory sickness insurance, and also the added costs of wages, continue to rise incessantly. 

Lamya Kaddor (Green): Ask yourself why doctors are missing!

The reappraisal of the Corona time is for long not at all pursued; and, if so, then insufficiently. All of that is unacceptable. On the other hand, only our delegation and party concerns itself across parliaments. 

And I ask again: When finally will an audit be made? Since the beginning of this legislature, I remind for examination how much money we actually, concretely make available for which expenditures. Since we definitely have sufficient state income. Let us look at the numbers: In the year 2014, thus just ten years ago, tax income contributed 296 billion euros to state income. Just ten years later, we are meanwhile at 489 billion euros of state income. And nevertheless the money does not suffice: We nevertheless need to take up 50 billion euros in new debt, at the cost of our children and grandchildren. That is an absolutely irresponsible policy of this Ampel government. 

In addition to that, since 2015 around 300,000 people – good, well-educated skilled labor, Germans – have left our country; Herr Merz has correctly addressed it, he has nevertheless scarcely described the causes. Those are meanwhile almost three million people who in the last nearly ten years have gone. In this time, the CDU and CSU besides also governed. Immigration can never compensate for that. 

In addition, the costs for the state and taxpayer are higher when the immigrant persons initially need to be educated in language, culture and expertise. Primarily, I ask: By whom then? A successful and for both sides well done migration is of course not in the interest of the Ampel government. Your hyper-morality and your values compass have led you completely into error. Go into the States, simply speak with your party friends at the basis. Form a comprehensive opinion, and finally correct the expensive failures of your policy. 

It’s about Germany, our Heimat, and our citizens. We pursue a goal-directed immigration, but no immigration into the social system. The presently active, arbitrary and purposeless policy has not helped the German economy. On the contrary: You have even set and raised false expectations. 

Yet even to the people who come to Germany, the real skilled labor, you offer no perspective at all. In that regard, we certainly do not speak of asylum themes. Your policy enjoins violence and death. You have managed that migration not only has become the theme of the summer of 2024; much more, migration is connected with nearly all political fields: Domestic security and foreign policy, diplomatic relations, labor and social policy, economic and financial policy, etc. etc. 

In all named political fields, you can show since 2021 as good as nothing, no success. Germany and thereby the German Bundestag are after three years of Ampel government ridiculed in foreign countries, and in the country treated by our own people with more than great doubts. You are a government without a people. 

Nevertheless, humility and insight belong exactly as little to the great ones of this Federal government as does the honest dealing with Germany’s difficult situation. From economic leaders, Herr Habeck has made us into economic losers. Your attempts at policy have failed, Herr Habeck. The businesses run away and close the plants in Germany. 

You have overburdened this country, the businesses and the tradesmen. Obvious losses you take without further ado. Obvious gaps will be stopped up and plastered over with tax money, subventions, special debts. You and your policy offer the citizens in Germany no perspective. We require a conscientious dealing with all resources, with the people even so as with Nature. Your absolute and narrow-minded approaches and bans split the society, drive the citizens (those who can afford it) out of the country, and thereby destroy the social peace in your own country. 

It is the same with the Ukraine theme: Weapons deliveries, construction assistance, and no investments in a rapid end of the war, further escalation and a rhetorical fight for war and against peace. I therefore say to you: Continue to do it exactly so. Try to continue so indecently to hold fast to your power, and defame the opposition. Continue to play the master teacher, and denigrate the citizens in the east. Your credibility will further dwindle, day by day. You thus simulate policy for its own sake and against the citizens’ interests. We want in common to make policy for the citizens at home and for Germany’s interests. For we, the AfD, are the future. 

Many thanks. 


[trans: tem]