Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Joachim Wundrak, May 10, 2023, Bundeswehr in Mali

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/102, p. 12306.

Right honorable Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Already for more than a year, we of the AfD delegation clearly named the failure of the Bundeswehr’s mission in Mali and demanded the orderly withdrawal of our soldiers. I may refrain from citing to you and myself the reaction at that time from the ranks of the self-declared middle of this house. On the other hand, all European contributors of troops meanwhile have consequently converted these failures into the decision for a departure. And the large African contributors of troops have already left MINUSMA. The departure of the French, British, Swedish, Dutch, Canadians and others leaves behind on the ground considerable capability gaps which cannot be closed. The risks for our contingent thereby increase drastically.

The acknowledgment of the failures of the mission in Mali has for weeks permeated all delegations of this parliament. That is to be welcomed.

I wish to emphasize that here it is a question of a political, strategic failure for which the Bundeswehr soldiers assigned to Mali may not be reproached. These failures derive from the entire Western policy in the Sahel and especially that of the former colonial power France. Nevertheless, instead of immediately applying the logical consequence of this acknowledgment, namely to start the forthwith departure of our troops from Mali, the Federal government in the past year has further increased the size of the contingent and prepared additional capabilities for MINUSMA. On the other hand, the task fulfillment of the German MINUSMA contribution, measured by the mandate, has further receded. The relation with the Mali government has further worsened. The ruling military junta under the putschist Assimi Goita, who has named himself interim president of Mali, has meanwhile taken a clear geopolitical position on the side of Russia. The general security situation has in any case thereby worsened. Onto one side falls the pressure of the Islamist terrorists following the departure of the French and the halt proceeding therefrom of Operation Barkhane and Taskforce Takuba. On the other side, the Russian Wagner mercenary troops meanwhile with brutal means overtake the fight on the side of the Mali army and drive the people of Northern Mali into the hands of the Islamists.

In this increasingly uncontrollable and dangerous situation, the government now puts before us this singular motion which speaks of a continued task fulfillment with a simultaneous melting away of capability contributions. The previously expounded reason for the delayed departure was to make available helicopters for the rescue chain and other capabilities until the spring of 2024 for coverage of the planned elections in Mali. In the motion put forward by the Federal government, these elections as a basis for the mandate are only very vaguely mentioned; for good reason. Since no one any longer seriously believes in elections in Mali next spring.

The presented motion nevertheless leaves open when in fact begins the contingent’s transfer back and when the task fulfillment shall be discontinued. In the worst case, this means maintaining the presence of the German participation in MINUSMA until May 2024 and just then to begin the transfer back of the forces.

For this, an additional half billion euros shall be thrown after the previous costs of the Mali mission of approximately four billion euros, without being able to expect an added value or sustainable uses from this mission.

Consequently, we reject the motion put forward by the Federal government for a continuation of the Bundeswehr's participation in MINUSMA and demand the immediate beginning of a rapid, controlled departure of all German forces from Mali.

I am grateful.


[trans: tem]