Thursday, May 18, 2023

Gunnar Beck, May 9, 2023, Scholz in Brussels

AfD Kompakt, May 9, 2023.

Who like Germany suffers from helper’s syndrome can accept no leadership role in Europe and overtake responsibility for the the future of the continent. Chancellor Scholz’s demand in his speech is amiss.

Germany in the past has in regards migration, the euro and now the Ukraine often sought to help other countries and to find solutions for their problems without thereby sufficiently taking into consideration its own interests. It has thereby neglected its own needs and harmed itself. This relationship is not only detrimental for Germany itself but also for Europe as a whole.

It is time that Germany freed itself from this helper’s syndrome and concentrated itself on its own interests and needs. Only so can it in the long-term contribute to Europe’s welfare. That would be an authentic day of liberation for Germany and a day of celebration for Europe.

I therefore demand of the German government to pursue a new policy which is based on a realistic valuation of its own interests and needs. Only so can Germany, conscious of its responsibility, play a constructive role in Europe.


[trans: tem]