Monday, May 29, 2023

Marc Bernhard, May 24, 2023, Heating Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/105, pp. 12701-12702.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

“We have erred in regards the energy transition”.

            Jürgen Coße (SPD): You have erred in regards Putin!

Who said that ten years ago already? No climate denier, no conspiracy theorist and no AfD politician. No, it was Habeck’s dismissed State Secretary Graichen, whom he last week dismissed as one of those who ran the energy transition. Graichen ten years ago verbatim:

We have erred in regards the energy transition. Not in a few details, but in a central point. The many…windmills and solar installations which Germany is building do not do what we have promised for them. It was hoped that they would replace the dirty coal power plants…Yet they do not do that…


If Graichen thus knew ten years ago that the energy transition does not work, why then has it been with all power forced through? Why was agriculture and species protection annulled by emergency decree, the fought-for minimum distance between dwellings eliminated, the environmental compatibility testing disempowered and the consultation rights of citizens eliminated so as to make possible the construction of an additional 90,000 wind industry installations, and thereby maximize the damages of the self-confessed errors, Herr Habeck?

Although Graichen knew exactly that the energy transition does not at all work, he wanted, in your motion, Herr Habeck, with the heating hammer to force more than 60 million people in the future to heat only with electricity. He nevertheless quite clearly knew that there was not sufficient electricity for that due to the shutdown of nuclear and coal power plants. Thus for example Germany’s largest housing company cannot operate countless electric heating pumps because of the lack of electricity. He nevertheless quite knowingly wrote the draft law that, for most people, only the installation of a heating pump is possible – and that, even though heating with electricity is around 30 percent more expensive than with gas. It’s good that such a person is gone!

Yet now this heating hammer must also go, and indeed completely. Since it is completely absurd that people shall be forbidden to heat with gas while the government at the same time wants to build 50 gas power plants with which it is desired, with dirty fracking gas, to generate electricity which will in the future warm the people. What an absurdity!

            Bernhard Herrmann (Greens): That is nonsense!

As I calculated for you in April that this heating hammer would cost people 2,000 billion euros, you here in the German Bundestag looked at me in disbelief and shook your heads. Now you yourselves of the FDP quite obviously have re-considered and even come to 2,500 billion euros, thus 30,000 euros per capita. Scientists confirm that with that it still comes not once to a savings of CO2. The imbecility was nevertheless confirmed by your FDP colleagues – who have reconsidered: 2,500 billion euros.

Yet one thing is clear: The heating transition is not doable; since we do not have sufficient heating pumps, we do not have sufficient tradesmen, we do not have sufficient electricity and the people certainly do not have sufficient money so as to pay for this craziness.

Now come you of the CDU to play at being the nation’s saviours and ostensibly want a socially acceptable re-start of the heating transition. As to what you understand as “social”, have you clearly and distinctly indicated with your motion in the last sitting. You therein set out to make the Brussels CO2 certificate for oil and gas so expensive that the people practically can no longer afford oil and gas. Experts proceed therefrom to that by 2027 it comes to a tenfold increase of CO2 prices and up to 300 euros per ton. For a liter of diesel, that means a price increase of almost one euro. That is what you of the CDU understand as “socially acceptable”.

The only thing that is really socially acceptable and which protects people from old age poverty and a de facto expropriation is to dispose of this entire heating transition on the dung heap of history.


[trans: tem]