Saturday, May 27, 2023

Leif-Erik Holm, May 17, 2023, Economy Ministry

AfD Kompakt, May 17, 2023.

Graichen’s departure was overdue. With him, the Economy Ministry developed into a ministry for nepotism and the defense of cliques. And in that regard, it has long since not only been about the best man affair. The award of contracts in the millions to the eco-lobby and the Graichens’ numerous, close connections of kindred and friends to those benefited has led to a massive loss of trust.

Habeck may with the decision have now hit the emergency brake – as a minister, he is nevertheless impaired. He is quite clearly up against it and must allow the question why for a week after the inquiry in committee he still adhered to Graichen and what now has led to his sudden change of mind. Possibly there threatens to rise up still more from the green swamp of favors. For example, that the Graichen siblings’ Öko-Institut has received alone in this legislative period from Federal ministers and Federal officials orders of approximately twelve million euros; before all, from the Economy Ministry, as my inquiry to the Federal government has brought to light.

Habeck must finally make a clean slate and clear out all the green sleeze and subordinated officials in his ministry. In that regard, the AfD will gladly help him and move for an investigating committee for this ever expanding affair.


[trans: tem]