Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/99, pp. 11915-11916.
President. Ladies and gentlemen.
The House of
Habeck’s nepotism has now finally reached the mainstream press and is a theme.
What still is no theme: The financial investors and billionaires linked to the nepotism in the
House of Habeck and who get still more money – billions.
Marcel Emmerich (Greens): What is it then with the billionaires behind you?
It is about
the business with the heating pumps and ultimately about the entire German
private real estate assets. And precisely that let us now look at for once.
All in the
House of Habeck turns around the State Secretary Patrick Graichen, brother Jacob,
sister Verena and Michael Kellner, her husband and Parliamentary State
Secretary. We have heard it. A terribly nice family. The think tank Agora Energiewende
and the Öko-Institut together published a paper: “Breakthrough for the Heating
Pump”. We have heard it. In the Öko-Institut sit Jacob and Verena Graichen and
at the Agora sat brother Patrick for seven years as managing director before Habeck
made him State Secretary. But he not only made him State Secretary, he now transfers
their paper, one for one: “Breakthrough for the Heating Pump”.
So, now let
us look at: Who stands behind the Agora and the Graichens? Who directs them? An
intricate system of nested foundations disguises precisely that. The Agora
Energiewende is financed by the European Climate Foundation fund. This is
financed by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and which is in turn is
financed by the British billionaire Christopher Hohn. Hohn earns two million
euros – per day – and
Stephan Brandner (AfD): Oh! Yet that is in order!
is the
principal money donor of the climate extremists Extinction Rebellion.
He thus
distributes his money for the climate agenda. Yet really exciting is the
question: How does he earn his money? I cite from the self-description of the
Fund: The Fund is centered on the donations from mortgage companies and real
estate companies in the major cities of North America and Europe. There where
his climate agenda especially spins, there the financier of the climate agenda
earns his money with mortgages and real estate. That is the crux of the matter.
Carolin Bachmann (AfD): What the Greens have quietly become!
To where lead
Habeck’s heating law and the Graichen clan? Homeowners need to take out
mortgages so as to pay for the heating pumps. And if they are not able to do
so, then they need to sell their real estate. And see there: There stands ready
Hohn’s hedge fund and buys up the real estate. What a coincidence!
Johannes Fechner (SPD): That is just rubbish! Such nonsense!
You can now
say: Herr Hohn is nevertheless not the only one who stands behind the Agora.
That’s right. There is still the Mercator Foundation with the Metro
billionaires, and through the European Climate Foundation flows the means of
the Canadian billionaire John MacBain, like Hohn a member of Bill Gates’s
billionaires club, “The Giving Pledge”. As soon as you scratch the Green
veneer: Billionaires, billionaires, billionaires.
Real estate
is one side of the coin. The other side is the business with the heating pump.
The U.S. concern Carrier Global now purchases the largest German heating pump
manufacturer, Viessmann, for 12 billion dollars. And to whom does Carrier
Global belong? 86 percent belongs to institutional investors, that means the
U.S. finance industry, namely Blackrock – Herr Merz is here –
Stephan Brandner (AfD): BlackRock, there where Merz hangs out.
Group, Capital Group.
At the moment
in which Habeck and the Graichen clan compel Germans to the purchase of heating
pumps, the global finance industry takes over the German heating pump production.
There are coincidences in this country! Unbelievable!
Thanks to
Green climate policy, a gold-digger mood rules there. 75 billion euros, so much
must the Germans raise for the heating pumps. And BlackRock, Vanguard and
Capital Group inherit the Earth [verdienen
sich dumm und dämlich].
Ladies and
gentlemen, the Greens are the political arm of these global financial interests
and the Graichen clan is the hand which writes the laws required for that.
Till Steffen (Greens): Oijoijoi!
Your climate
policy makes the global super-rich still much richer while the normal Germans
lose the proverbial roof over their head. Your climate policy is nothing other
than the ultimate attack on the entire wealth of the German people. I can
assure you: We will not allow you to succeed with that.
Many thanks.
Marie-Agnes Streck-Zimmermann (FDP): The troll has a face!
Marcel Emmerich (Greens): A speech
like a Facebook comment!
[trans: tem]